In Dream

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    Shen Wei  tried hard to find the right portal to go. Until he felt something wrong. "Ah, Lan?!"

   Meanwhile  Yezun's attention is now in Yunlan. "Why did you come back to make trouble here!" He raise his hand to shoot him with his power. Yunlan evaded it, but when Yezun's eyes became white, everything turned into ice, even Da quing, Chu, Guo, and Naru.

   "What are you doing?! I'm you're allied! Release me!" But Yezun ignored him and proceeded to walk toward Yunlan, who was half frozen.  "I still never forget you poured soup unto me! Dear sister in law!" While caressing his face. "A little bit of color is good for you! You're so pale, unlike my Xiao Wei!" Yunlan humor him. But suddenly  Yezun zipped his mouth by his power. "I love to strip your clothes one by one! And humiliate you in front of your friends!"

   Yezun didn't anticipate Yunlan's  power suddenly broke his freezing power and headbutt  him first. That made him so  angry he accidentally  shoved Yunlan with a force. Making him fall  unconcious.  The others seeing it tried to free themselves to help him but can't.  Yezun easily picked him up by the  neck.

    "Maybe I should break your pretty little neck for the humiliation you gave to me!" When suddenly  Yezun felt the chill on his back. "My dear gege, how fortunate that you came back here!" As he turned to confront him. Shen Wei  with Zhu Hong and General Ping came. Making Yezun snarl in anger seeing Zhu Hong, his fiancee beside his gege.

    "Let my Ah Lan  go!" Shout Shen Wei  as his eyes became red. Yezun smirk, "No! You think I'm a fool! He will become my hostage! If I can't  have this kingdom, no one can!" As he clicked his fingers. Monsters from the dessert he collected were free from the city. Making the citizen scream in fright.

   That time King Xin ci with his sons came with the help of Mingling.  Seeing the situation, they defend the people from the monsters. "What's going on here?! Why are they killing their own people?!" Shout Yeng. "Just shoot as many as you can! Don't let them harm the people!" Shout Yang back.

    Back to Shen Wei,  he didn't know who to rescue first. Yunlan or his people as Yezun is getting away with Yunlan. General Ping assured him that they would fight the monsters and defend their people. That let Shen Wei run after his twin. Yezun quickly came to the field to get away, only to be blocked by his gege. "I believe  you have what's belong to me!"

   Yezun smirk, "I was waiting for you to come!" He suddenly  thrown Yunlan to the ground and took a serum made by Naru. You can hear the soul of the people that Yezun swallowed, making Shen Wei  angry.

    But was surprise as he thrown his power over him, Yezun easily deflected it as his eyes became white. He summoned his own ice power to freeze his gege. Shen Wei  evades it quickly  and calls his ice sword to fight his didi. Meanwhile, Yunlan woke up in time to see Yezun swing his sword upon Shen Wei.  His husband deflected it but was thrown hard on the wall.

   "How did he become stronger than Xiao  Wei?"  He tried to stand up and help his other half by grabbing  Yezun's  leg and electricuted it. Yezun was surprised  that he gave Shen Wei  a chance to thrust his sword against Yezun. But it only grazes him at the chest since he jumps quickly and evades him.

   "You pesky sister in law of mine!" He suddenly blows ice toward him, making Yunlan half body frozen again.  And about to crush  him. When Zhu Hong came unfreeze Yunlan in time before Yezun got him. "Yezun! Stop this already!" But it only made him angry and shove Zhu Hong hard. Luckily  Da quing  came and caught her before she hit the ground.

   "You think you can gang up on me?! Think again!" Suddenly  Yezun hit the ground. Two ice monsters suddenly  came from the ground. Making Da quing  sweat, "Run!" He pulled Zhu Hong away from Yezun. But slipped  as Yezun frozen the ground. Shen Wei  quickly frozen the monsters while the other Chu's string wrapped  it's legs making it fall on the ground. Guo, on the other hand, called his plants to help Yunlan out of danger.

   Because the power of Shen Wei  didn't affect the monster and continue to run toward Yunlan. "No!" Shen Wei  quickly blocked  the monster way and used his power again to stop it. And was surprised  King Xin ci came to help him. "His my child! What do you want me to do?! Just stand there and watch he trampled my son?!" He arch his brow to him. Making Shen Wei  smirk, as they tried to stop the monster again.

   Yunlan, on the other hand, suddenly  got an idea to stop the two monsters but needed Guo's help. Guo sweat, but seeing his beloved might be indanger as the monster it caught easily broke the string that wrapped  upon it. "What do you want us to do?" Yunlan  signal him toward the forest where there's  a raging river as he remembered it. "If we let the monsters go there, they will easily melt and be swept away because the water there is hot these days!" Suggest Yunlan. Guo tried to get his courage and draw the monsters attention toward the two of them. As he hit them with a rock and curse them.

   The two monsters got angry with Guo and rn toward them. "What are they doing?!" Shen Wei  and King Xin ci followed them. Yunlan and Guo lead the two monsters in the frozen river. "Oh no! Yezun power has reached the river! We have to break the ice!" Yunlan started to use his power as well as Guo. "Yunlan! Hurry, those two are almost here!" Shout, Guo.

    The two monsters almost got them when the ice cracked and the river overflowed. Guo was almost drowned with them if not for Chu's string, but his unavailable to save Yunlan in time as the raging water carried the two monsters and Yunlan. Shen Wei  dive without thinking and tried to rescue his wife.

    "You fool! Have you forgotten  you can't swim well!" Shout Yunlan as he tried to swim near Shen Wei  whose reaching for him. "You are the fool! I promise that I will protect you no matter what! Even it cost my life!" Yunlan was touch on what he said. And about to cry, but the river carried him deep at the bottom of it with the two monsters.

    Shen Wei  followed him and pulled him to his embrace. "No matter what happened, I will protect you even if it costs my life!" As he tried to swim toward the surface.

   Meanwhile, Yezun escaped his enemies only to be confronted by his angry fiancee's face. He was exhausted  and had no more power. "I only did this for you! You know that!" As he persuaded Zhu Hong. But her eyes suddenly  change and incinerate Yezun. While he screamed in agony. Zhu Hong  cried, "Just so you know I still love you!" As Yezun disappeared forever.

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