Who Am I?

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The very first thing Yang noticed when they entered the dark abyss is to remember every route they went.

His didi Yeng made a magical mark to every road they take without Yezun noticing it. Just like his gege Yang, he didn't trust the old man. Both siblings telephaticly tell each other since their twins.

But they were surprised every road they seen the monsters that were supposed to attack them were all frozen. "Gege, make everything easy!" Yezun smirked to himself while he led them to the right path as he said. "So far, so good didi. There's nothing blocking our way!" Whispered Yang to Yeng. "That's what I'm worried about! Who done this thing even a huge monsters are defeated!" He said back to him .

Suddenly, they didn't anticipate General Ping and his men to meet. "You! All of you trespassing here!" Yang replied to him that they were retrieving their didi Yunlan. General Ping can't allow that as the fight began. Yezun quickly slipped away, leaving the two groups to fight to the death. Yung tried to find the old man, but he disappeared.

Meanwhile, Shen Wei, Yunlan, and Da quing trying to find back toward their kingdom. Shen Wei securely holds Yunlan in his arms while galloping his horse as for Da quing his in catform on the back of the horse. "Why can't you teleport us out of here fast?" Yunlan asks. "I can't use it here because if we do, we alarm the other beasts, and it will lead straight in my kingdom. And we don't want to harm my people there?!" Yunlan pouted on it but can't believe his husband cared for his people very much. As they continue their journey. They heard the sound of swords clashing and shouting of men.

They take a look on whose fighting and were shocked. Shen Wei saw his men fighting a sky soldiers and generals. Yunlan, on the other hand, was surprised as well, seeing his siblings. And almost cried, "They came to save me!' I thought they never cared about me?'' But stop as Shen Wei glared.

Each have to say something when out of the blue a storm and lightning came their way. Suddenly, giant scorpios came underneath the sand floor as well. The soldiers of the sky and underworld were surprised as they didn't know whose the enemies they will fight first. They just realize they need to fight together side by side in order to survive.

Yunlan was worried over his siblings as the scorpions spitting venom on their tail and attacking his brothers. Added part is the sand storm and lightning coming. "Xiao Wei! Help my brothers please!" He pleaded. But Shen Wei refused, "I have nothing to do with them! And besides we can easily go home! Since the monsters are all attention on them!"

Yunlan can't believe what his hearing, "I can't love a heartless man like you!" And pushed Shen Wei as he got off their horse and helped his brothers. "Yunlan! Don't come!" Shout Yung as he saw his didi running toward them. When all of the sudden a lightning about to struck Yunlan. All shout as they saw their didi about to be hit. When Shen Wei blocks it by hugging Yunlan and his the one that's been struck by lightning. "My lord!" Shout General Ping seeing his king had been hurt by lightning. "Xiao Wei!" Cried Yunlan as he caught him in his arms. His back is severly burn while he fell unconcious.

"We can't keep this up!" Ying made a portal using his gege's Yeng mark, "Grab Yunlan didi quickly shout Ying. Yang shouted to his remaining men as well to go inside the portal. Yeng grabbed Yunlan while Yang the unconcious Shen Wei. Da quing went with them followed by other brothers of Yunlan toward the portal. But some of the scorpions have made inside the portal.

Luckily General Sang and his men was waiting for them to arrive as he know the peril of the journey within the underworld. While the brothers came with their men. General Sang ready his troops to fight the beasts with in the portal as well and easily slay them all.

"General Sang what a surprise?!" As Yeng thought their general help them voluntarily. "Don't thank me! You should thank my didi Guo whose worried about you're didi Yunlan!" He was bit surprised to see Yunlan accompany by a new face. "Whose that?!" As he tried to inspect him. Da quing about to splured out that it's King Shen Wei when Yunlan shut his mouth by his hand.

"His Wei wei! He help us escape from the cruel king!" Da quing was dumbfounded on what his friend said. "Why are you defending that kidnapper?!" Whispered Da quing. Yunlan hush him up for if his brothers find out whose he. They will automatically kill him. He was place in the guest room and change his burned robe into a plain guest's clothes. His brothers look puzzled at him if that person is some how special since Yunlan never left his side even to greet his father King Xin ci.

The next day Yunlan waited for Shen Wei to wake up. So he could explain to him that he should lay low his power so his siblings and his brothers might not know him. "I doubted he will listen to you? You're husband have a temper you know that?!" Da quing warn him of the coming danger.

But surprised as Shen Wei woke up without a memory who he is. Both Yunlan and Da quing first never believe what happened. Until Shen Wei ask what's his name, where he is, and who is Yunlan? Da quing about to spill everything when Yunlan stop him. He suddenly smirk making Da quing sweat as he know his friend have a mischievous idea. "No! Not that idea!" Da quing tried to stop him.

Yunlan quiet him down, "You're my hero who rescue me from the cruel king of the underworld name Wei wei!" Shen Wei can't believe what his hearing, "Me?! A hero? Why did I save you?!" He ask. Yunlan think for awhile. "Because your madly inlove with me!" Shen Wei and even Da quing look surprised on what Yunlan said. Shen Wei became red. "He....he....this is fun! I never seen him blushed like that?" He told himself.

"Do I confess my love for you?" Shen Wei ask. As he can't look at Yunlan because of embarrassment. On the other hand Yunlan having a blast making Shen Wei the weaker one. "Yes! You told me you can't live without me! But still I never said yes to you! So you prove your love to me by rescuing me from your king!" Da quing hearing that want to hit his head on the wall. "What rubbish story his been telling would he believe?"

Shen Wei suddenly hold Yunlan's hand making him startled. "So did I prove my love to you........ah what is your name again?" Yunlan about to speak when Guo came and cough loud. He was accompanied by Yunlan's brothers and King Xin ci himself. "His name is Yunlan and his mine!" He shout. Both were shocked hearing it.

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