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    Yezun disguised himself  as an old man and came to Sky Kingdom to help King Xin ci.

   King Xin ci and his sons are not easily convinced. "Tell me why you want to help us when you're one of the people of King Shen Wei?!" Ask Yang as he looks at Yezun with suspicious.  "My king is forgetting  his obligation in our kingdom because of  you're  son!" He bow to them.

   Still, he see they're not convinced, "His a nuisance to us! A troublemaker!" That  arch King Xin ci brow as he knew his son is like that, but he cough as he didn't  want to be embarrassed  in front of his people. That the old man speaks the truth. Yezun smirk and continue,  "But I know his you're beloved son and want him back! As a father, I know how you feel!"

   Back to the underworld,  Yunlan is well secure to Shen Wei's tight embrace. He can't help but be red as they are both naked in bed. His heart can't help to thump loud as his husband looks like an angel sleeping with him. He didn't know why Nuwa was so kind to him, giving him a beautiful  husband but with a temper and most of all a king.

    He can't help but admire how long his eyelashes are, making him more mysterious  and dangerously beautiful. And accidentally  caress it. Shen Wei  suddenly  grabbed  his hand. And gaze into that cute, brown eyes, "Don't tell me you're falling for my charm now?" He teased. Yunlan pout cutely, "No way!" He denied.

   But Shen Wei  pulled him more to him and kissed him passionately.  Making Yunlan melt to that kiss as he allowed him to deepen the kiss. "I knew you would like me very much." Yunlan wants to deny it more but can't  help how his heart beat fast as Shen Wei  makes love to him some more. Their bodies are perfect to each other, synchronizing every movement  they made. Every kiss, every touch, Yunlan can't  help to moan for more. He felt giddy in his heart because his husband is truly more beautiful than any gods and goddesses  he has ever met. And most of all, he loves him truly.

   In an hour Shen Wei need to leave for a meeting in the council. But before leaving, he kisses him again to remind him he belongs to him. Yunlan can't  help to giggle while Shen Wei  leaves with his guards. Da quing  suddenly drops out of nowhere  startling Yunlan. "Traitor!" Said his friend. Yunlan suddenly  covered himself up.

    "What?! Me?! You're the one that suggested that I should play along!" And throw a pillow to him. Da quing in cat form dodge it. "Yes, I did! But as I can see, you're falling for him! And liking every  kiss and touch he make unto you!" Yunlan quickly put on his clothes but felt the ache on his back. He tried to argue with his friend that his accusations were not true. "Fine! What if I found a way so we can leave here right now!" That shocked Yunlan as he didn't want to leave. Now he finds how beautiful and kind his husband is.

    The said husband, on the other hand, was having a crucial moment.  As the councilors didn't like their new queen. General Ping complained as someone saw the new queen was responsible for bombing purple paint onto his soldiers. The chef, on the other hand, also complains as his ingredients are all ruined. Many want the queen to be kicked out and one of the reasons as well his not from their kingdom. "SILENT! DO YOU WANT TO ALL TO DIE!!! YOU'RE MOCKING MY WIFE INFRONT OF ME!!!" He was furious.

    All became quiet as their king's eyes became red, and the atmosphere  suddenly became colder.  They became frightened to complain more as they knew death would be next. Minister Ouyang stopped the tension, "Why not give a test to the new queen since his not from here! It's  tradition  if you marry a foreigner he must take a test!" Shen Wei  got angrier more and stood up, "MY ANSWER  IS NO!!!" As he knows the test might hurt or even kill his beloved wife. And he will be forever lost in the darkness.

   Meanwhile, the said queen is trying to escape with his friend Da quing.  They went to small bushes, almost making Yunlan stock. "Why here?!" Da quing  apologize as he pushes his friend out of it. "I  followed Yezun and Zhu Hong on where to leave for Sky Kingdom. I heard them there is a root outside of it that we can easily teleport toward it."

    Yunlan is getting suspicious, "Da, are you sure he didn't see you following them?"  His friend assured him that he transformed  into a cat while following them, and it led to a dark cave. There, they vanished as they entered. Yunlan, take a peek if it's  safe. Unknown to them, Yezun had already planned everything, and he really led Da quing  there.

   As Yunlan and Da quing  step inside the cave, Zhu Hong made an enchant word swallowing  them inside it and teleporting them outside the kingdom where darkness and monsters await them. "I'm sorry this is the order of my fiance! I cannot break!" Yunlan and Da quing  scream as they were enveloped in darkness and awaken where monsters roam. "Oh! My gosh! Yunlan! Run!!!" Shout Da quing.  As they saw one of the beasts about to attack them.

   Shen Wei, who was getting bored in the councilor meeting, suddenly  felt his wife disappearance. He suddenly  stood again, glaring at every one of them. "You all stage this show so you can get rid of my wife without me noticing it!" All got cold sweat and tried to lied but Shen Wei  can see their true intentions.

   Suddenly the air became cold as all got frightened.  "You! General Ping! You and your  men need to accompany me to find my wife!" Minister Ouyang disagrees."It's  pretty dangerous  outside our kingdom, my lord! Let General Ping  and his men do it alone! You're very valuable to our kingdom!"

   But Shen Wei grabbed his front shirt as his eyes became red. "Pray my wife is unhurt! Or you will be punished severly when I came back!" As he throws him on the ground. All the officials bow in fright. "I will remember what you all did! Wait for my return, so I will give you all the punishment!" As he hurriedly  went to his horse with General Ping and his men. And ride toward the abyss of darkness outside the kingdom.

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