The Testimony Of Victoria

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Hello, my name is Victoria, and this is my testimony...

My name is Victoria but for those on Wattpad you only know me as @Bravesgurl. Anyway, my childhood was really happy other than when I lost my grandma at the tender age of seven or eight (I was young), it really broke my heart because she was my best friend. And then later on I lost a couple of my pets, I loved them so much and so to lose them really hurt me. I guess I would say I did know God growing up and so did my family, as well as a couple of my friends. During those years God really helped me get through losing my grandma and my sweet pets. 

God also protected me and placed me in a wonderful family for I never was abused in anyway. Truly I was bless with a loving family to whom wouldn't hurt a hair on my hair.

I truly struggle with cussing, however not every word that leaves my lips is a cussword but at times I feel I cuss a little bit too much. It's mostly when I'm mad or when I feel that my brother is testing every nerve in my body. Therefore, at times I snap, and the words just fly out. Relating to that, I also feel that I fight with my brother too much and at times I lose my temper way too easily. Although through this storm I am praying to God that He helps me become a better person to whom has better control over both my tongue and mood swings.

Once again, I was blessed with amazing friends to whom are all Christians and so I haven't lost any friends due to my faith for instead they help strengthen my faith. The same goes for my family, my whole family grew up in the church and therefore I grew up in the church and am still growing in the church. It also helps that I don't go to a public school and am instead homeschooled and have been since I was five years old. However, because of this like I mentioned my only friends are the ones in the church therefore I really don't get to see them until Wednesday nights or Sunday nights so at times it does get lonely. 

My denomination is southern Baptist, and it definitely strengthens my faith. I was and still am being raised a southern Baptist Christian. I love my denomination and I will stay with it.

May God bless the people who read my story and may He use my testimony to inspire others and encourage others to run to God and strengthen their faith.

Yours truly, Victoria. 

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