The Testimony Of Dove Rose

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Hello, name is Dove Rose, and this is my testimony....

But many of you only know me as @Madeforadventure on here. Growing up my childhood was complicated and in it's own right, trauma filled. My Father to whom was supposed to love me and show me how a man is supposed to love me, abandoned my mother and I, for another woman. But what I didn't know at the time was that this would soon become a blessing in a horrible disguise. For the first two years of my life, it was happy and joyous but then my dad left me for my stepmom, I believe I was around two-and-a-half when this happened. I was too young to understand and too clueless, so it was downright depressing for me. Growing up my mother was a strong Christian and so were my grandparents. During those years I went to a Lutheran school for pre-k, as well as I took up dance at a Christian dance studio. But when I was five my mother decided it would be best to homeschool me and so I was homeschooled with a Christian program. But deep down I feel like parents splitting up is a blessing in disguise because I'm better off living with my mom then if I would've ever lived with my dad and stepmom. But then came June and I was driving with my grandparents and then suddenly we were in a car accident. However, God protected all of us that day and it turned out to just be a small fender bender.

I chose the way of Christ and became a Christian when I was merely seven years of age. Rather there is a storm raging outside of my bedroom window or within me, I feel the Lord protecting me and I thank Him dearly every day for it. 

Like I mentioned before my dad left me when I was nearly three. He bailed on me countless times and it left scars on my heart due to what he has done to me. Thanks to him for leaving me for his 'new-wife', he now has a son on the way. I feel like he doesn't deserve to have another child when he failed me as a father. But here he is getting another chance almost like a 're-do' at being a father. However, I know I need to trust God's plan for my father's life, even if my dad isn't a Christian, but maybe God will use this to change his heart. 

Throughout my life I have struggled with lying, I lie way to much for my own good. I've cheated a few times and I have anger issues. As well throughout my life I've lost many friends due to my faith as well as I get teased often for my faith. My dad's side of the family do not even try to support me in my faith. 

I'm northern Baptist, I love it because we focus on baptism and salvation. I was raised in it and I'll never leave it for I'm comfortable in it. I love my denomination because it stays true to the Bible and that's why I love it so deeply and dearly.

I want to say that my grandpa is the one who lead me to God, I feel that God used him to pull me closer to Him. And a late friend of the family who was like an adoptive grandpa to me helped me with my faith. I miss him every day but I know he's in heaven and I'll see him again one day. 

May God bless the people who read my story and may He use my testimony to inspire others and encourage others to run to God and strengthen their faith.

Yours truly, Dove Rose. 

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