Four: Sunday Bible Trivia!

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Hey y'all!:)

I hope you enjoyed last weeks Bible trivia:)

If you are new here and don't know how the format works, you can just scroll up to the first week of Bible trivia chapter where you will discover how the format works.

Now I obviously I can't make sure you don't cheat and look up the answers, but my advice is to guess first and just let God led you through them. Then after I respond to your comment with the right answers (if you didn't get them right) you can look them up. But don't spoil the fun!

With that being said, let's get into it!:)

1: What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them?

A: The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them?

B: The dreams said he would become a slave to them?

C: The dreams said he would kill their father?

Or D: The dreams said he would marry his brothers wives? 

2: How many disciples did Jesus choose?

A: Nine?

B: Ten?

C: Twelve?

Or D: Eleven?

3: Besides preaching, name an activity Jesus did while traveling through Galilee?

A: Turning water into wine?

B: Healing the sick and casting out demons?

C: Preforming miracles? 

Or D: Gathering disciples?

4: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

A: John 11:35, Jesus wept?

B: 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Rejoice always?

C: Psalm 145:9, The LORD is good to all?

Or D: Psalm 23:1, The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing?

5: How much bread and fish did Jesus' use to feed more than 5,000 people?

A: Five loaves of bread and two fish?

B: Fifteen loaves of bread and six fish?

C: Two loaves of bread and one fish?

Or D: Nine loaves of bread and five fish?

6: What did the woman pour on Jesus's feet at the home of Simon the Leper?

A: A jar of water?

B: A jar of oil?

C: A jar of perfume?

Or D: A jar of her blood?

7: Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus?

A: Simon?

B: Judas Iscariot?

C: Matthew?

Or D: Paul? 

8: Which disciple denied Jesus three times?

A: Paul?

B: Matthew?

C: Andrew?

Or D: Philip?

9: What happened after Jesus was buried in the tomb?

A: He went to heaven?

B: He became an angel?

C: He rose again?

Or D: He left earth?

10: What is the third commandment?

A: You shall not make idols?

B: Observe the Sabbeth day by keeping it Holy?

C: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord?

Or D: You shall not murder?

Okay that is the ten Bible Triva questions of the week. If you're like me who has ADHD and has a hard time remembering things from the Bible, I find Bible trivia not only fun! But also, it helps me learn new things and remember things better. So, I pray this will also help you and I pray you'll have fun!:)

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