If there was one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?

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My answer: Rape...

"Was it really my fault?"

Asked the short skirt.

"No, it happened to me too,"

Replied the burka.

The diaper in the corner couldn't even speak.

- Darshan Mondkar.

Every day a mother must tell her daughter, "Do not talk to strangers. Do not wear that, men will look at you. Walk fast not slow, smile but don't attract attention." From the day girls are born, they are taught to hide themselves from the monsters of the world. The world tells us our bodies, our choice, yet where were was OUR choice when we were raped?

If we wear short skirts or even dare to show off a little bit of skin, we are 'asking for it.' But last time I checked men aren't raping our clothes now, are they? Rapists rape PEOPLE, NOT outfits. No one asks what the rapists were wearing, yet somehow, they still try to blame it on our clothes. Rape came BEFORE miniskirts. Don't tell us how to dress, tell them not to rape.

Many say, 'boys will be boys,' no, boys should be decent human beings who should have the decency to respect women's bodies. 83% of women alter their plans in public to avoid being harassed. We are the 83%. If we go shopping at night, it's imbedded in us to throw the groceries in the car, jump in, lock the doors, and sped away. When did simply going out in public become a survivor mission?

We must do this because apparently, 'boys will be boys,' and do not understand the word 'no'. Even my dogs understand when I say No.

It was revealed that lessthan a third of young men between the ages of 18-24 are prosecuted. Tell thatto the fifteen-year-old British girl who was raped ten times by a man. Tellthat to the girl whose rapists was released on a $1 dollar bond afterprosecutors missed indictment deadline. Tell that to the girl whose male familymember whispered, 'just wait, it will feel good in a little bit,' when he rapedher for the first time at seven years old. Tell that to the 14-year-old Swedengirl who was raped by a taxi driver, and when the rapists was found hanged in a nature reserve she was told that her and her three brothers were suspects. Tell that to the girl whose rapists told her, 'Shut up, I'm almost done,' and then the next day at school left a note that read, 'whore' on her schoolbooks. Tell that to the five-year-old girl who was left paralyzed after being raped by her uncle. And tell that to the mother who received this text from her daughter, 'I have to tell you something. But you have to promise you won't blame me.'

It's not all men, but it's all women.

- Calvin (a man on twitter tweeted)

"Women prepare to not get attacked, raped, or killed by a MAN every time they go out and most men are more offended when women tweet "men are trash".

Educate your sons, she's someone not just a body.

Girls just want to walk home without the fear of being kidnapped, killed, or raped.

1 in 4 women have been raped or sexually assaulted as an adult.

(6.54 million women in total)

1 in 2 rapes against women are carried out by their partner or ex-partner.

98% of adults prosecuted for sexual offences are men.

Enough is enough, we need to stand up and defend our right to wear what we want to wear without the fear of being raped and then blamed for it.

We need to protect our women, not rapists. 

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