Three: Sunday Bible Trivia!

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Hey y'all!:)

I hope you enjoyed last weeks Bible trivia:)

If you are new here and don't know how the format works, you can just scroll up to the first week of Bible trivia chapter where you will discover how the format works.

Now I obviously I can't make sure you don't cheat and look up the answers, but my advice is to guess first and just let God led you through them. Then after I respond to your comment with the right answers (if you didn't get them right) you can look them up. But don't spoil the fun!

With that being said, let's get into it!:)

1: Where did Adam and Eve live at the beginning of the world?

A: Rome?

B: The dessert?

C: An island?

Or D: The Garden of Eden?

2: Name Jesus' hometown?

A: Rome?

B: Gailee?

C: Eden?

Or D: Nazareth?

3: What did Jesus do at the last supper to His disciples?

A: Talk about heaven?

B: Wash their feet?

C: Warn them about the darkness of the world?

Or D: Perform a miracle to them?

4: How did Jesus leave earth and go to heaven?

A: He rose in the clouds?

B: He traveled through a lightening streak?

C: He rode a white horse?

Or D: God stretched out His hand and pulled Jesus up to heaven?

5: What day of the week did Jesus leave Earth and go to heaven?

A: Sunday?

B: Monday?

C: Thursday?

Or D: Tuesday?

6: What is the tenth commandment?

A: You shall not give false testimony?

B: You shall not covet?

C: You shall not murder?

Or D: You shall not commit adultery?

7: What is the fifth commandment?

A: You shall have no other gods' before Me.

B: You shall make no idols.

C: Keep the sabbath day holy.

Or D: Honor your father and mother.

8: Who else was in prison with Joseph?

A: The guards?

B: A Thief?

C: The Pharaoh's son?

Or D: The Pharaoh's cupbearer and chief baker?

9: Who was Jesus' sister?

A: Sarah?

B: Adah?

C: Elisha?

Or D: She was never named in the Bible?

10: Name one of Jesus' brothers?

A: Adam?

B: Judas?

C: Saul?

Or D: Jacob?

Okay that is the ten Bible Triva questions of the week. If you're like me who has ADHD and has a hard time remembering things from the Bible, I find Bible trivia not only fun! But also, it helps me learn new things and remember things better. So, I pray this will also help you and I pray you'll have fun!:)

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