Article of the Week: Forgiveness

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Often when we think of forgiveness, we think of God forgiving us or us forgiving others. But that's not why I'm here today. I'm here to talk about the hardest form of forgiveness, a type of forgiveness that is overlooked and pushed ahead. A simple 'I'm sorry', doesn't encourage this type of forgiveness because it does not forgive others, only you


I can think of many moments in my life that bring me shame and hatred towards myself. Perhaps it was a relationship I had with an ex or a childhood memory that still makes me cringe to this day. But sometimes it goes further than that, have you ever looked in the mirror and hated what you saw? Have the words, 'I hate myself' ever left your lips? And have you ever hated yourself for a past mistake? When we do things like this, we are not offering ourselves any grace or forgiveness, only hate. 

Forgiveness is hard, I'm not saying it is easy. And when you have to forgive yourself, it is even harder. But today and for the rest of the week I encourage you to take the things you blame yourself with to God. Hand them over to Him and pray that He guides you to forgive yourself. Sometimes or whether most times, we can't forgive ourselves on our own. So, allow our God to help you. And I pray deeply that God heals you:)

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