Article of the Week: The Controversy Of Nala Ray

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If you are on Tik-tok and especially on Christian Tik-tok you might be aware of a situation that is causing great controversy on Tik-tok. So, a young woman by the name of Nala (@naladaddy) is a woman who recently became a Christian. Now that's amazing! Now before Nala became a Christian she worked on Only Fans, and if you don't know what Only Fans is, it is basically a website where people pay to look at sexual things. Nala also appeared on the podcast 'Whatever' and proudly said that her biggest fantasy was to cheat, (keep in mind this was before she became a Christian). 

But now, she is a proud Christian, but some people don't agree with her choice. For example, people have left these following comments on her posts.

'The damage is done.'

'Lol once it's online it's never gone.'

'No redemption.'

'The internet is forever.'

'Too late.'

'Damaged goods.'

'Bring it back.'

'How you gonna be a Christian now lol.'

'Shawty about to go bankrupt.'

'I was a big customer I will miss you.'

'Irreversible damage.'

Along with other awful comments many commented that she is faking it, or that it's too late for her to be forgiven. Some even went as far as to say they can still find her content on google and that she's a liar. But despite all of the backlash, Nala continued on making videos about God and even posted a life update. In this video she openly spoke out against the devil and how he is attacking her life right now. She mentioned that she was in a car accident, her parents are sadly getting a divorce, etc. She went on to say that she truly can't think of one thing that went wrong in her life when she was doing Only Fans and serving the devil. She furthered her statement by saying that her works were in vain but since she became a Christian so much has been going on in her life.

Now I've said this before, and I will say it again. When you become a Christian, you are entering into a battlefield, every day is nearly a battle, and it is never easy. But it is worth it. I pray God teaches Nala how to rebuke the devil and focus only on Him. 

In the life-update video, Nala explained how 'she can feel in her spirt the war and how she is excited about it'. In one statement Nala expressed that she knows these attacks are from the devil and not God, God might be allowing these things to happen in her life right now but it's because He wants a prudent soldier for Him. She furthered her statement by saying, 'she wants to be that soldier; she wants to fight for our Lord Jesus Christ because He's so worth it'.

Now Tik-tok has reacted differently to Nala's change. Some openly support her and encourage her daily. Then there is a small group of people who support her but still doubt if the change is true. But the largest group is the ones that openly hate her and say she is doing this for attention and it's not true. Now from what I've seen I seriously think she is being honest but that doesn't change the view of others. 

After becoming a Christian, Nala sat down and did an interview with Michael Knowles. The interview was a normal one, but many people hated on Nala for how she answered questions. For an example a podcaster by the name of Ariadna Jacob openly called Nala a narcissist, and manipulative for simply how Nala answered questions. In the interview Nala kept accidently confusing past-tense and present words, sometimes she would say 'feel' instead of 'I felt', she would quickly catch her mistake and fix it. I assume she was nervous as all of us get sometimes, and the words just got mixed up. But Ariadna didn't think so, she openly said, 'Nala Ray is either incredibly overconfident about her newfound faith or she's fooling you. I call out narcissistic, manipulative, influencer behavior because I've been burned by it.' Ariadna goes on to say she was almost ruined by fame-hungry people and that she forgave them just as God will forgive Nala.

Honestly, I feel like Ariadna is grasping at anything to use against Nala and her statement truly sounds like she is projecting past trauma on Nala just as a reason to hate her. In my humblest opinion I feel Ariadna should take her trauma to God and focus on her own problems before projecting them onto Nala Ray.

In another statement, Laura Loomer tweeted, 'These Only Fans girls can "pray" their slutty behavior away all they want. They will never be respectable no matter how much they cry to God. Praying to be a respectable person doesn't work once you do sex work. It's best that we shun women like this from society forever.' 

Another user tweeted, 'Christians believe this woman can truly be saved. The naivety of conservative Christians is driving more people towards atheism and Islam. The same naivety that is making your society crumble. Accept everything and fall for everything.'

Once again, I feel that both Laura and the other user is projecting their own problems on Nala. Just because they don't believe that God can ever forgive them does not mean they have the right to bully Nala. 

Some of the controversy comes from the fact that Nala made over nine-million dollars working on Only Fans and she has kept the money. Many say she should donate it or even just get rid of it. They believe she should go get a normal job and that if she is starting over, she should truly get rid of everything from her past life, including the money. Nala has yet to speak out over the money and I believe she shouldn't have to. It's her money, she is free to do whatever she likes with it, and we shouldn't judge her for it. 

What do you think? Should people forgive her?

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