Two: Sunday Bible Trivia!

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Hey y'all!:)

I hope you enjoyed last weeks Bible trivia:)

If you are new here and don't know how the format works, you can just scroll up to the first week of Bible trivia chapter where you will discover how the format works. 

Now I obviously I can't make sure you don't cheat and look up the answers, but my advice is to guess first and just let God led you through them. Then after I respond to your comment with the right answers (if you didn't get them right) you can look them up. But don't spoil the fun!

With that being said, let's get into it!:)

1: What is the first book in the Bible?

A: Matthew?

B: Ruth? 

C: Genesis?

Or D: Romans?

2: Who was the first man?

A: Noah?

B: Saul?

C: Cain?

Or D: Adam?

3: Who were the three sons listed in the Bible?

A: James, Simon, and Jude?

B: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

C: Cain, Abel, and Seth?

Or D: Nahor, Haran, and Abraham?

4: How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?

A: 100?

B: 20?

C: 50?

Or D: 40? 

5: What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked great jealousy from his siblings?

A: A Horse?

B: A Blanket of many colors?

C: A Coat of many colors?

Or D: Riches?

6: What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?

A: To throw a party?

B: To set free the cattle?

C: To let His people go?

Or D: To build more bricks?

7: Who was Jesus's birth Father?

A: Joseph? 

B: God?

C: A wiseman?

Or D: Saul?

8: Name the place where Jesus walked on water?

A: Bethlehem?

B: Rome?

C: Galilee?

Or D: Nazareth?

9: What is the 1st commandment?

A: You shall have no other 'Gods' before me?

B: You shall not make yourself an idol?

C: You shall not take the name of God in vain?

Or D: You shall not lie?

10: What is the shortest book in the Bible?

A: Psalms?

B: 3 John?

C: Ruth?

Or D: Job?

Okay that is the ten Bible Triva questions of the week. If you're like me who has ADHD and has a hard time remembering things from the Bible, I find Bible trivia not only fun! But also, it helps me learn new things and remember things better. So, I pray this will also help you and I pray you'll have fun!:)

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