Unnormalizing Sexual Sins

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A group of guys watches porn. They laugh about it because apparently watching other people have sex is funny. The world says this is acceptable. 

A curious girl begins to read smut because her parents refused to answer her questions. The world says this is okay. 

A lonely guy begins to masturbate because the world tells him to follow his desires. 

I truly want to know when we all subconsciously began to listen to the world because the world is nothing but a liar. It does not even know how to be truthful. Porn isn't something to laugh about. Imagine that it was your mother/father, son/daughter, friend, aunt/uncle, etc. Watching them having sex with some random person and then recording while they do that. Then, later that video being uploaded so God knows who can watch them have sex. Cringe worthy, right? 

You're so happy your daughter is reading? She's not reading romances to fall in love with romance. She's reading smut to feel some kind of love. She's trying to fill this empty void within her that the world has caused. 

Everything we do, read, or see plants a seed in us. Watch porn? That plants the seed of lust within us, and we think about it countless times. Even years later, you'll still think about it. Read smut? You're romanticizing it because deep down, you know it's wrong, but if the whole world tells you, it's okay, then you'll believe it. 

There is no better word to describe both porn and smut than Disgusting. 

There is nothing good or beautiful about people watching porn and reading smut. If you don't believe me, then take it from these testimonies....


I was just a kid when I began watching porn. I was just curious, and so I decided to look up what sex was on YouTube. Back then, the policies about age were very lax. And so, I discovered porn. At first, I was utterly disgusted, but then days later, I couldn't stop thinking about it and so then began my nosedive into a porn addiction. I wish YouTube had stricter policies back then that would've protected me from porn.


I struggled with a porn addiction for years. I felt so alone and shameful. I wanted to tell someone, but I knew they would judge me or tell me that I was weird for watching porn. I wanted to tell my family, but the shame of porn kept me locked in this cage for years.


I used to think smut in a book was so empowering. When I used to write, I would over-sexual my female characters because I thought it made them cooler. Everything from the way they talked to the way they acted was sexualized. I used to think being a sexual woman was cool, but it's not. As women, we should be loved for who we are, not for our bodies and what they can do.


My dad left when I was young, and before that, he mentally abused me. When he left, I felt lost and sought to fill this void with porn. When I grew bored of male/female porn, I turned to bxb and gxg porn. I never wanted to be sucked down the dark rabbit hole of a porn addiction, but I was.


I was young and thought that when I grew up, it would be cool to be a stripper. I wanted men to lust after me, to wear sexy dresses and dance in clubs. I wanted to be rich and to be a woman everyone else wanted to be. I would watch movies that normalized this lifestyle. And every time there was a sex scene, I would watch it over and over again. I would get aroused become of the scenes. I would pick movies that had a lot of sexual scenes in them, and Game of Thrones was one of them. I remember one time my older sister was babysitting me, and she was there with her boyfriend. I asked her if she wanted to binge watch the first season of Game of Thrones with me, but she said no. I wished she had watched it with me, and once the sex scenes happened, either skipped them or just turned it off.

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