The Testimony Of Rose

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Hello, my name is Rose, and this is my testimony...

My childhood was lovely. I grew up in a Catholic family and I have known God. I go to Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation and go to a nice small Catholic school where everyone is like a small yet tight knitted family. 

However, my life is a bit complicated. I always knew that I needed glasses, and I've been wearing them since I was two years old. I never really noticed how much my eyes have affected me until recently. In the past four years, I've started to notice how bad my eyes really are. School is constantly challenging because I can't see the board and get the notes in time. I am so blessed to have such understanding teachers and principals. And this is one of the reasons I am sad to graduate 8th grade because I'll be leaving my All Saints Family and going to BC next year for high school. There will be many more students, more teachers, and no way of knowing how understanding the teachers will be regarding my disabilities.

As well as I have mixed hearing loss, which is another thing I've been used to until recently. I had gotten the Osia, a Cochlear implant, that allows me to hear better in December 2022. I thank God every day for allowing this to happen. The Osia has been a great help and I don't think I could go to high school next year without it. 

My faith has always been a struggle. Sometimes I'd doubt God's love for me and ask Him why He made me how I am with both bad eyes and ears. It wasn't until my dad, and later my grandma, told me the story of how I was born. This is a turning point in my faith because it helped me realize God's love for me.

When I was born, my parents were told that I was going to die. Nine years later, when my youngest brother was born, we went to the hospital to see the newborn and in the hall, a picture of a doctor hung. My dad said, "He saved your life," And now, six years later, I understand how it wasn't the doctor, but it was God. He allowed me to live because of all the prayers I'd received. 

The sin I struggle with most is lying, as it is the easiest sin to commit and is the most frequent one.

I grew up in a nice community, so I've never clashed with anyone because of my faith. Although one of my classmates is a Lutheran and she doesn't quite understand the Catholic beliefs, we're still friends. And another one of my classmates is Methodist, but we don't clash at all because her dad is Catholic, and she's gone to All Saints Catholic School with me since Kindergarten.

I am a Roman Catholic Christian. I love my faith and will never leave. I know many people who are in the RCIA program who are becoming Catholic Christians this Easter. 

May God bless the people who read my story and may He use my testimony to inspire others and encourage others to run to God and strengthen their faith.

Yours truly, Rose.  

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