Chapter 19- Run

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it's now 21 August, Kayleigh will be going to UNI in 10 days. They go for a little run after dinner.


As the week went by in a flash Kayleigh had asked Lilly out for dinner so that they could talk and so the Omega could figure out what her friend's problem was.

Ever since the festival night Lilly has been avoiding her again and being very distant with her.

She misses her friend and just wants to make sure everything is okay between them.

She tried asking Jessica if Lilly talked to her and if she had said anything to her, but Jessica said she didnt mention anything but would let her know if she does.

So in order to get her friend to talk to her Kayleigh decided to ask Lilly out for dinner so she chose Lilly's favourite restaurant, TGI Fridays as silly as that may be to some it was Lilly's go to place to eat.

So it was no surprise when the Omega invited her friend out she jumped to the offer and agree to meet there at 7pm Friday night...of course.

Once they arrived and was seated Kayleigh took Lilly's hand into hers, "hey are you and I okay? Did I do something wrong or upset you or something?"

Lilly pulls her hand away grabbing the menu pretending to look through it. "We both know you know exactly when you are going to have without even looking at the menu, so can you please stop avoiding me?"

Lilly puts down the menu with a sigh. " totally ditched me again and I am getting sick and tired of being your fall back person..."

Kayleigh was taking aback by her friends response. "Lilly I am sorry if I ever made you feel that way It was never my intention.

I know you're mad that I ditched you and for that I apologise, can you forgive me please?"

Lilly is looking down as Kayleigh talks and only looks up when she hears her friend apologise and ask for forgiveness.

"Kayleigh, I am not mad at you..I was hurt that you'd chose some chomp from another pack over your best friend. After a few moments Lilly smirks, at least tell me if he had a big dick?" Lilly teases.

Kayleigh lets out a laugh. "Eh I had bigger." They both laugh.


After their dinner they decided to go for a run it's been a few days since they let their wolves out and they could feel them prowling at the surface needing to get out and stretch their legs.

Jessica and Justin decided to join them in their run and make it a night of it.

Kayleigh will be leaving soon to go off to Uni and their times running together will be limited to when she only comes home during the holidays.

"Can you believe that this might be the last time we all go for a run together?" Jessica says as they began to strip.

"I know itt's crazy that in a mere ten days I will be leaving for UNI I can't believe how fast the summer has gone."

They quickly finish undressing, and human skin is replaced by fur as they shift into their wolves.

Justin lets out a playful howl, and the others add their own song to it.

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