Chapter 26: I'm Lou

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The young Asian girl stumbles into the room with an apologetic look. "Sorry." She says, grimacing at the Omega girl who is giving her a strange look.

Kayleigh looks at the girl who was carrying two duffel bags. "It's okay."

"I'm Lou." The Omega girl says, putting down her bags and holding out her hand. Kayleigh shakes her hand. "I'm Kayleigh." The Omega says smiling.

"Hey, so I guess we are roommates?" Lou states as she walks over to her side of the room to a bed that already has some stuff on it.

"Yeah..." Kayleigh says while awkwardly biting her bottom lip.

"I'm going to the skate park, do you wanna come?" Lou asks.

Kayleigh shakes her head. "I have a lot of unpacking to do.Raincheck?"

"Sure, no worries. See ya later."


"Finally, I'm done." Kayleigh says to herself. She's unpacked all of her belongings and made up her bed. She placed her picture frames on her desk. "Miss you guys."

Kayleigh picks up her phone and decides to text her friends.

Kay: Finally, I'm unpacked, and I met my roommate. She's a hot Asian Omega. :)

Jess: omg how lucky r u.

Lilly: Trust you Kay to land yourself a hot roomy. I bet she's psycho or snores lol

Kay: oi shush Lils. She seem nice enough.

Jess: So, how does it feel being away from your pack and family?

Kay: Honestly, it's weird. My wolf is pouting still. Kayleigh sighs.

Jess: awwww.

Lilly: She'll perk up soon.

Kay: Hopefully....text ya guys later, I wanna have a shower.

Lilly: byeeeee
Jess: cya

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