Chapter 24: Goodbye

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Kayleigh never did like goodbyes, and for the most part, she had managed to avoid them. However,  she's unable to get out of it this time. 

After Kayleigh's dad helped pack up the truck with her stuff, it was time to say goodbye to her friends and pack.

Most of the pack had said their blessings at the BBQ, so it was only Kayleigh's immediate family and friends who came to say goodbye.

Jessica and Lilly gave their friend a tearful goodbye. This was followed by Justin, who wished her luck at Uni.

Kayleigh took one more look at the outside of her childhood home before getting into the back of the truck, her parents getting in front. 

Kayleigh watches her friends wave to her as they pull away. Silent tears fall from the Omega as she watches her friends disappear. 

"You'll see them again soon." Martin says, looking in the rear view mirror at his daughter. 

Of course, she knows she'll see them again. That's not why she's emotional.  She's emotional because for the first time in her life, she won't have her best friends at her side.

She won't get to wake up in her childhood bed, hear her mother singing while cooking, and hear her dad turn the newspaper's pages.

She's really going to miss her homelife and her friends. 

A couple of hours later, they arrived at the university, and the outside area is absolutely beautiful.

After registration and a campass  tour, Kayleigh's parents help her bring up her belongings to her dormroom.

"All set then, kiddo?" Martin asks with a small smile. 

"Yeah... I guess I am." Kayleigh turns towards her mom and gives her a tight hug when she hears her sniffle.

A sob escapes her mother's mouth at the embrace.  "I can't believe that we are here already.

It only feels like yesterday that you were a pup. Now look at you,  you're a beautiful young woman.  Please, be safe, hunny."

"I will mom, I promise."

Kayleigh says her tearful goodbyes to her parents and is finally alone in her room. That is until the door flies open and a Omega girl around her age comes barrelling in.

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