Chapter 2

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 "Could you please relax, Lisa?" I stated this as I saw our cute maknae leap up and down, carrying the tickets to IU unnie's concert.

"I'm going to her concert for the first time, and I already know it's going to be wonderful." I laughed as I saw her, but she was right since attending IU unnie's concert is like a dream come true.

"I know, but if you keep bouncing like this, we'll be late," I replied, pointing to her bedroom. She agreed and exited.  Then I went back to my room and opened the wardrobe to choose an appropriate outfit for the concert, and I knew exactly what to wear as soon as my eyes rested on the dress my mother had recently purchased for me.

I put on the dress and did some light makeup and when I was finished, I heard Lisa screaming "ARE YOU DONE JEN?" and had to cover my ears, but as soon as she was done, I replied "Yes I am coming" and walked out of the room and saw Lisa standing right in front of me, staring at me, so I asked her "Is something wrong?" and she replied "You look gorgeous," which made me proud of myself for choosing this dress.

"Thank you, Lali, and you also look fantastic." I mentioned and Lisa was about to speak, but was interrupted by a knock, so we went to answer it. As we did, Jisoo Unnie and Rosie were standing in front of us, sweating from their dancing practice, and they saw us they remarked, "Woah, you both look wonderful," to which we both responded, "Thank you."

"You must be heading to IU unnie's concert," Jisoo Unnie said she saw us and Lisa replied "Yes" after hearing her Rosie said "Well I am jealous" and we laughed as we saw her getting jealous like a baby but then I saw the watch on the wall and we had to go as we were getting late so I said "guys we have to go as we are getting late" and walked out the door and waved them bye.

We approached our car and noticed our driver waiting for us. He opened the door for us as soon as he saw us, and we jumped inside before he sat in the driver's seat and began driving. Lisa took out her phone and began recording for her vlog, which she will upload to her channel, and then she dragged me towards her, making me come into the camera, and said, "So Jen is also coming with me to IU Unnie's concert" I smiled and said, "Yes, and we both are excited," and Lisa said, "We will meet you guys after we get there" and She switched off her phone, closed her eyes, and giggled like a baby, saying "Jen wake me up once we get there," which made me sad since I didn't want to spend the entire car ride alone, but I figured she was exhausted from bouncing all afternoon, so I let her sleep.

I looked out the window and thought about the dream I had today and who the man behind the mask was because this dream had been in my head for a while now and I couldn't get it out because it was pretty strange but I just shrugged it off and thought about meeting G-dragon tomorrow which I was nervous about because I never wanted to hurt him but I never felt anything for him during the time we spent together when he trained me and as friends But when he wanted us to become more than friends, I told him about my true feelings that I never saw him as more than a good friend and after that, I distanced myself from him because I couldn't bear the thought of him being hurt because even though I never felt anything for him, he was still my good friend, so I decided to give him and myself a break from this friendship but I never meant to end it but it appears he got the wrong idea but I will make everything clear tomorrow.

The driver's interruption, "We are here," brought me back to the present moment. I then noticed Lisa waking up next to me and giggling as she saw outside the car window.

We exited the vehicle once the driver opened the door for us, hurried to the counter, and purchased the lightsticks there.

She asked with puppy eyes, "Jen take a picture of me here please."

"Okay," I said as I pulled out my phone and shot three to four pictures of my lovely lali standing in front of me.

"Okay," I said as I pulled out my phone and shot three to four pictures of my lovely lali standing in front of me

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We were ready to enter the stadium when my phone rang and it was my mum. I couldn't ignore the call because it had been a long time since I had talked to her, so I told Lisa to go inside and not wait for me and that I would return after the conversation, and she walked into the stadium recording her vlog.

I picked up the phone and could sense the concern in her voice. I had been avoiding her calls for a few days now since I didn't want to worry her.

"Hello Sweets," she said over the phone, concerned, and I replied, "Hey Mom." There was a brief silence after we both heard each other's voices, but after a few seconds, she said, "Jisoo told me about how you've been feeling low these days," and I was surprised to hear this because I didn't expect Jisoo Unnie to tell my mom about it, but she did.

"Well, I've been feeling a little down, but I'm OK now," I explained, so she doesn't worry too much about me.

"Sweetheart, Remember that you are perfect just the way you are, and strong girls don't weep over toxic people who are simply jealous of you "I knew she was crying because of her voice.

"I will remember your words, mum," I answered, fighting back my emotions, adding, "Mom, I will talk to you later and I love you," to which she replied, "I love you too, honey," and hung up the phone, at which point tears streamed from my eyes since I couldn't keep them back any longer.

You think I'm perfect because you're my mom, but your daughter isn't perfect mom," I murmured, unaware that someone was listening.

"Only a fool would say you're not perfect." I turned around to see who it was and was shocked to see the person standing in front of me.


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