Chapter 26

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As Hannah's mother emerged from the room, announcing "Hannah is awake," the rest of us trailed behind and made our way to my room upon hearing the news.

Upon finding Hannah in my room, she appeared disoriented and frail, clearly unaware of how she ended up there. Rosie then commented "Running away is not a solution" Hannah suddenly regained her memory and was surprised to see us in pursuit of her.

"I'm curious, how were you able to locate me?" Hannah inquired, bewildered and taken aback. Our fingers all pointed towards Jisoo Unnie, who beamed and disclosed, "You were lying in an unconscious state on the outskirts of Seoul." Tears brimmed in Hannah's eyes as she confessed, "I didn't want to burden you all any more, and I definitely didn't want Jennie Unnie and Tae Oppa's relationship to suffer because of me."

As I sat beside her, I asserted, "Our relationship has no relevance to you." However, she responded, "You're not truthful, Unnie. Father used your relationship with Tae Oppa as coercion for me to go to him." Taehyung beamed at her and confidently stated, "It doesn't matter if someone reveals our relationship; we will stay strong regardless." Grateful, I clasped her hand and disclosed, "Thanks to your mother who paid twice the amount to dispatch to prove our relationship false."

Confused, Hannah asked us if the relationship had been revealed. I smiled as I replied "indeed it had, but Dispatch had proven their own report false as your mother paid them twice the amount our father had to uncover the truth" Upon hearing this, Hannah embraced her mother who hugged her back and expressed gratitude by saying, "Thank you so much mom." In response, her mother smiled pleasantly and remarked, "I'd do anything for the one who kept my daughter safe."

As Hannah and her mother embraced, our grinning faces witnessed the heartwarming reunion. Suddenly, a knock interrupted the moment and Jimin swiftly answered the door, returning with Kai who immediately embraced Hannah with a heartfelt hug. He questioned if she was alright, to which she nodded, causing him to visibly exhale in relief. Our surprise was evident as we noted Kai's deep concern for Hannah.

Upon seeing the expressions of surprise on our faces, Hannah took a moment to compose herself before announcing, "Kai and I have been in a relationship for a while now." The room fell quiet, as we all processed this surprising news. Eventually, Lisa and Jungkook broke the silence with congratulations for Hannah and Kai. Jimin and Rosie also offered their congratulations, but I was still in shock and struggling to process the news.

Hannah's mother exclaimed in delight, "I can't believe my daughter is dating Kai from EXO!" Taehyung congratulated the couple, and I too acknowledged the news, saying, "Congratulations to my sister and Kai, but you better not hurt her or face my wrath." Everyone laughed, and Kai assured us that he would never do such a thing.

Our conversation was abruptly halted when Jisoo Unnie received an unexpected phone call. After glancing at the caller ID, she appeared visibly surprised, and upon revealing it to us, we also became taken aback. As the caller happened to be our company's CEO, Jisoo Unnie appeared anxious but still answered and exited the room to converse in private.

All of us eagerly awaited her return to hear his response, and when she returned shortly after, she said.

"Yang Hyun-Suk and Bang Si-Hyuk wants to meet all of us right now" 

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