Chapter 11

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I inquire of my members "Can Hannah stay with us for some time?" Hannah expressed her reluctance to return to her family and her stubbornness may make convincing her hard, which is why I brought her to our dormitory. I am hopeful that my members will grant her permission to stay.

Jisoo Unnie comments "Of course," while glancing at Hannah, who is grinning at them. I express my annoyance with an eye roll, and then catch Lisa's response, "Of course Jen" and Rosie adding "Certainly, no issue." I breathe a sigh of relief and express gratitude, saying "Thank you so much." Meanwhile, Hannah walks over to Lisa and proclaims "You are my ultimate bias," evoking a twinge of jealousy in me, but I choose to dismiss it. Subsequently, Hannah engages in conversation with Rosie and Jisoo Unnie as well.

As I was about to join their conversation, my phone emitted a notification sound that caught my attention. Initially, I was about to ignore it, but upon realizing that it was sent by Taehyung, I decided to give it my focus.

As I closed my phone with a grin, I noticed Lisa attempting to sneak a peek. When she realized she was caught, she blurted out, "Are you two an item?" I sighed and responded with an eye roll, "No, we're just friends." She giggled, then made a request, "Can you do me a favor?" I replied, "Of course." She beamed and asked, "Can you ask him for Jungkook's contact information?" I teased her, "Do you have a crush on him?" She rolled her eyes and explained, "We bonded well at the party, but I forgot to ask for his number. We're simply friends." I chuckled at her adorable demeanor and said, "Alright, I'll ask Taehyung for his number." With gratitude, Lisa thanked me me "Thank you so much Jendukie" and left.

As I entered my room, I was surprised to find Hannah struggling with her frock's zipper. I assisted her in zipping it up, only for her to chide me as she said "At least knock before you come" I retorted "I never imagined having a sister, let alone one who would run away from her family and share a room with me" Hannah replied "I knew about your existence, but I didn't knew that my sister will become IT girl of Korea." I inquired "What is your reasons for running away?", she divulged "my parents are forcing me into an unwanted marriage with the CEO of Lee Industries." I replied "many women desire to marry him," she smiled and said "I want to become a lawyer and marry for love." Our conversation took an unexpected turn when she asked if I had ever experienced love. I confessed "I don't believe in love," prompting her to playfully warn me "love could appear when you least expect it." and left the room leaving me dumbfounded.

As I was just about to plug my phone in for a charge, Teddy gave me a ring. He asked if I had any free time and I confirmed that I did. He then suggested that I swing by the studio to record my remaining parts. I agreed and headed towards the dorm exit, where I promptly called for our driver to take me to the studio so I decided to check my socials till he comes. Despite the fact that my phone battery was sitting at a mere 7%, I was engrossed in scrolling through Instagram and remained unconcerned. 

"Madam, I've arrived," the driver interjected. As he drove, I stowed my phone in my purse and retrieved my diary. Gazing at the image of Lara etched onto its pages, I thought about reason I named my diary Lara as my eyes welled with tears as vivid memories of that day flooded my mind.

29 JUNE 2008

 "You should audition for YG" Lara suggested while I was singing a song from BIGBANG, and I expressed "It is my dream" Lara encouraged me "you should follow your dream," but I was apprehensive about my mother disapproving but Lara assured me that my mother would support me.

"I do hope so, but as I have my English class, I must leave now." With that, I grab my bag and turn towards the direction of my class. Meanwhile, Lara suggests, "Why don't you come over for a sleepover after your class?" Giggling with pleasure, I respond, "Absolutely, Lara!"


As I made my way to Lara's house to spend the night, I was taken aback by the sight of three ambulances parked outside and her parents in tears. Asking what had happened, their response left me stunned as they confirmed that Lara had taken her own life. Refusing to believe their words, I raced inside and called out her name through my tears, desperation mounting with every passing moment of silence. However, as I entered her room, my attention was drawn to a letter lying nearby, the contents of which shook me to my very core.

"Dear Jennie

As you read this, I will have already departed and you may be feeling overwhelmed with sadness and confusion as to why I would take my own life. I have never shared this with anyone, but I have long wished to do so. However, every time I saw your face and was reminded of our cherished memories as best friends, I was grateful to have you in my life and could not bear the thought of leaving you. But now, I have reached a point where I can no longer cope with this harsh world. I am exhausted from trying to accept myself, but feeling like a failure every time I see how much better you are than me in everything - from singing and dancing to studying - at school. Jennie, you are so well-known that some people even suggest that I don't deserve to be your friend. Each time I hear such hurtful remarks, it stings and makes me feel hopeless. I have tried my best to be like you, but have failed miserably. Now, I am lost and have lost all purpose in life. What is the point of living when consumed with insecurities? My message to you, Jennie, is that you are flawless and should remain true to yourself. Follow your aspirations of becoming a YG artist, as it would mean a lot to me. Jennie, my affection towards you knows no bounds.


My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ringing of my phone, Hannah was calling. As I wiped away my tears, I answered the call and greeted her with a "Hello." However, I was taken aback when she shared "the CEO of Lee Industries, Lee Byun-soo, whom I have been forced to marry, is a shareholder in HYBE." I was so stunned that I struggled to respond, but I mustered up the energy to ask her to repeat what she had just said.

"Lee Byun-soo the CEO of Lee industries with whom I am forced to marry is a shareholder in HYBE"

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