Chapter 12

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Hannah appears worried as she asks "Will he agree?" I reply by saying"We should remain hopeful," and Jisoo Unnie adds "Hannah not to panic." Our support boosts Hannah's spirits and she relaxes slightly.

Upon Rosie's suggestion to play Taylor Swift, we all consented to playing "Blank Space." Lisa tried to boost Hannah's mood by telling some unamusing jokes. As for Hannah, ever since I introduced her to my circle, they embraced her as if she were their own sibling. However, my father confided in me that Hannah is absent, but I never revealed that she's in my care. Hannah confided in me about the verbal abuse and mistreatment she'd endured from my father ever since she was young, being treated as though she were a servant rather than a daughter.

"We've arrived!" Jisoo Unnie announces after parking the vehicle near the HYBE building, prompting us to wear our protective masks. Hannah expresses annoyance, inquiring, "What's the point of putting on these masks?" Rosie finds it amusing and elucidates, "So that no one recognizes us." We all chuckle as Hannah rolls her eyes. Upon arriving at the entrance, I present Taehyung's message to the security personnel, who allow us entry.

As we entered, our eyes met with the waiting BTS members. Hannah broke the silence as she remarked "they are so handsome," causing me to playfully scold her for fangirling. Lisa and Rosie found our bickering amusing, but Jisoo Unnie cut in and reminded us to behave. Agreeing with her, we nodded and took off our masks as we stood before the BTS members.

Namjoon Oppa informed us "Lee Byun-Soo and Bang Si-Hyuk are in the meeting room waiting for us" Jisoo Unnie and the rest of us acknowledged his statement and followed him to HYBE's meeting room where we exchanged greetings with Lee Byun-Soo and Bang Si-Hyuk before they gestured for us to sit down.

"I am Kim Hannah" Hannah nervously introduced herself, and I decided to speak up, "our father is coercing her into marrying you against her wishes" Lisa joined in, "Can you please call off the wedding" With a hopeful expression, Hannah looked up at him as he said "I would never bring myself to marry someone against their will" He declared that the wedding would indeed be cancelled. All of us, including Hannah, leaped for joy, and tears of happiness filled her eyes as she expressed her gratitude.

The BTS members appeared joyful, as if a beloved sister had been rescued from a loveless union. Lee Byun-Soo announced he had to tend to some business and bid farewell, receiving bows from all of us. Likewise, Bang Si-Hyuk excused himself from the room. Then, out of the blue, Hannah received a text message and announced that she would be spending the night at her friend's place, promptly leaving the room. Jin Oppa proposed that we all gather at their dorm in the evening to strengthen our ties, which Rosie, Lisa, and I enthusiastically agreed to. However, Jisoo Unnie was hesitant and only reluctantly said "Y-yeah okay." Following this, my group and I departed the building and climbed into our van, with Jisoo Unnie driving us to the YG headquarters to work on our upcoming album and rehearse the "Shut Down" choreography.

5 hours later

Lisa confidently sings, "I'll just do it like the boys say, I'm getting mine, getting mine" Teddy compliments her improved vocals, and Lisa graciously thanks him. Teddy then reminds us of our Tomorrow's schedule, and we all acknowledge before leaving the YG building and boarding our van, driven by Jisoo Unnie, towards the BTS dorm.

As we all join in singing Taylor Swift's "Love Story," there's no denying that it has become a legendary song within the music industry. Listening to it helps us unwind after long days; however, whenever Lisa tells us that our security personnel is contacting her, we all get anxious. Jisoo Unnie motions for Lisa to answer the call and put it on speaker. The security personnel asks when will we return, and she fabricates a response, saying that they're heading to Red Velvet's Dorm and will be back in two hours. Finally, the security personnel agrees and hangs up, and we all breathe a sigh of relief.

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