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Me: you did amazing at your show today

Michael: how'd you see it?

Me: saw some videos of your performances on Twitter

Michael: oh! well thank you!!

Me: no problem :-)

Me: where is your next stop?

Michael: Oberhausen idk how to spell it :-/

Me: I think that's how you spell it lol

Me: is it fun so far? tour?

Michael: so much fun!!! It's one of my dreams and it's finally coming true!

Me: aw im glad your dreams are coming true

Michael: did you know that you are so cool?

Me: why thank you

Michael: am i cool?

Me: no

Me: jk you're fucking awesome

Michael: fuck yeah!

Michael: thanks lol

Michael: can I ask u a ton of questions. im on the bus and im super bored lol

Me: sure

Michael: favorite band? (Can't be mine) ;-)

Me: cocky much?

Michael: never heard of them...

Me: fuck off

Me: Panic! At The Disco

Michael: favorite food?

Me: pizza!!!

Michael: FUCK YEAH you are getting cooler and cooler by the second

Me: haha thanks

Michael: all time favorite song?

Me: time to dance by panic

Michael: favorite actress?

Me: jlaw!

Michael: movie?

Me: the breakfast club!

Michael: favorite singer?

Me: Ed sheeran or sam smith

Michael: can i have a photo of you? :-)

Me: why?

Michael: bc i want to see you

Me: why?

Michael: plzzzz

Me: there's some on my Twitter

Michael: their from like October

Me: that's good enough

Michael: please!

Michael: I'll send u photos of me!

Me: there's new pics on my feed all the time of you

Michael: just wanted to make you feel better :(

Me: (pic)

Michael: shit ur hot.


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