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I wake up the next morning, picking up my phone from the night stand next to my bed. It still feels so surreal that I'm at the hotel with Michael and I get to see him in person.

Mikey: good morning! had to go out with the boys, I'll be back later :-)

Me: okay!

I decide to get ready for whatever I planned today which wasn't anything.

After taking a shower, I pulled on leggings and a big T-shirt because I have no idea what I'm doing today.

Mikey: im heading back. what do you want to do tonight?

Me: I really don't care. We could go out to eat

Mikey: I did say I'll treat you like a princess when I see you ;-)

Mikey: sounds good, I'll be back soon!

I start changing into navy blue cloth shorts and a grey V-neck with sandals, fixing up my hair to make it look more presentable.

Michael comes in about ten minutes later, pecking me on the lips.

"Jet leg is being a bitch to me," he says, digging through his suitcase to find something.

"We don't have to go out of you aren't feeling well," I say honestly.

"No, I promised to take you out and you already gave me what you promised so I need to give you something in return," he tells me.

"It's fine, babe, we can go another day when you're feeling better or not busy," I rub his arm, falling down on his bed.

"You're the best," he kisses my forehead, wrapping his arms around my waist.

For the rest of the night we just talked about our childhoods and anything we could think of about our life. It felt good to tell these things to someone because I don't usually get to vent to someone without feeling like they get annoyed but Michael makes me feel like someone is actually listening and it's a good change for once.


filler oops

sorry it sucks

ok guys im so excited bc today this wave of confidence came over me and I'm just not gonna deal with fake ass bitches at school anymore and only surround myself with the people who are my friends for who I am and that's it.

btw check out my new fanfic Chemo it's a calum hood fic :-)

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