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When I woke up this morning, I was actually in a better mood than I normally am in the morning.

After getting a shower, I pull on a pair of high-waisted jean shorts and a grey t-shirt with black flip flops. After my hair air dries, I brush it out before straightening the little parts that are wavy before applying foundation and mascara.

Since Michael said he won't be there until three, I just laid on my bed for awhile before leaving my house at about one to get to the airport which was farther away than I wanted it to be.

I get to the airport around 2:45, waiting in my car before I thought it was an appropriate time to go in. I grabbed my phone and purse before walking into the airport.

And I wasn't expecting this many people to be waiting for the boys. There was a ton of noise and I kind of just kept myself behind them to see what happens.

Me: hey im at the airport can't wait to see you!

I wait in the line for a little bit longer, eventually and thankfully finding a chair and sitting in it while I go through my phone.

Mikey: we got mobbed but meet me at the lobby of my hotel *address*

Me: oh sorry bout that but I'll see you soon

I get to my car, turning my phone gps on and driving to where it takes me.

I park in the parking lot, staying in the car until I see an SUV enter the parking lot.

Mikey: don't go in yet. I'll tell you my room number when we get in. Sorry it's all crazy with fans mobbing and all

Me: that's ok im sorry about the fans mobbing tho

Mikey: it is what it is

After he sends me the room number, I walk to the entrance, which is filled with fans, annoyingly singing the boys' songs and screaming.

I walk to the entrance which is blocked by a body guard.

"You can't go in there," he says.


"Are you here for the band?"

"What band?" I sort of lie.

"Oh, okay you're fine, sorry," he smiles, opening the door of the hotel.

When I get on the elevator, I feel the butterflies form. I'm actually seeing my boyfriend who I've only seen in photos and during FaceTime.

I knock on the door once I find his room, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I wait.

Michael eventually opens the door, clad in a jean jacket and black snapback.

"Ryan," he whispers, pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his body, putting my head in the crook of his neck.

"You're here," he whispers, swaying us from side to side in his arms.

"I'm so happy," I sigh, giving his body a tight squeeze.

I let go but keep my arms on his waist.

"You're even more beautiful in person," he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you," I blush, looking at my feet.

"Can I kiss you now?" He asks.

"Damn boy, someone's eager," I poke his chest.

"I've waited 2 months to kiss you and my time has finally come," he smiles putting his hands on my cheek.

I lean in first, putting my lips on his before putting my hands on his neck as we stand in the middle of his hotel room kissing like we have met before and haven't seen each other in 2 years, but it actually feels like that even though it's not true.

"Are you going back home after today?" He asks.

"I just drove 2 hours to come see you and I'm just gonna leave until I see you next week." I sarcastically answer.

"Where are you staying?" He asks.

"I booked a hotel a little bit away,"

"Nooo," he whines. "Stay here."

"Are you sure?" I ask not wanting to invade him.

"Hundred percent sure," he grins.

"Thank you," I smile, pecking his lips before going to my purse to call the hotel I booked and cancel my stay.

"Um, my stuff is out in the car," I tell him.

"Let's get it then,"

"I'm fine, you've had enough for the day," I smile at him.

"No I'm coming with you," he puts his hand on the small of my back as we exit the hotel.

Fans start screaming when the see Michael and paparazzi start asking him questions about who I am but he just ignores them as we make it to my car, opening the trunk to get my things before locking my car and following Michael, who grabs my hand as we make it through the crowd.

"Ryan?" He asks when we lay down on the bed, watching whatever is on tv. Now it's The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

"Yeah," I ask, playing with his fingers.

"How did you get in here?"

"I told the security guard I wasn't here for the band, you guys obviously, and he let me in," I shrug my shoulders as he smiles at me.

"You're a very smart lady, Ryan," he bops my nose as I blush.

We lay there cuddling for awhile before deciding on getting room service.

"I have an awesome idea," Michael says after hanging up the phone.

"And what is that awesome idea?" I ask.

"Let's watch School of Rock, eat pizza and chips, and maybe we can play halo 3,"

"You're so cute. You remember what I said the other day,"

"What can I say? I like to impress my lady," he winks, setting up Netflix on the tv.

"You've done well," I laugh, sitting down on the bed.

"C'mon, babe," Michael wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down on the bed with him. "Cuddle with me."

"Babe, can I ask you something?" He questions.

"What is it?"

"Do you want to come to the Las Vegas show? I know you're going to the San Diego show but you should come to this one so you don't have to drive back home and then back,"

"You want me to stay with you through all these shows?"

"Well yeah, all of them in California so we can spend time together until the tour's over,"

"I'd love to, babe, but I don't want to invade yo-"

"Ryan, just say yes,"

"Okay, I'll go Michael," I smile at him, kissing his lips before getting interrupted by room service knocking on the door.



and the mobbing is true and it makes me so angry when people do that

this is the longest chapter I've written for this story that's cool i guess

thanks for 2k reads and 340+ votes ily more than you can imagine

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