updates (newest update 5/27/24)

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update 5/27/24: okay so double update next time or nah? 

update 5/18/24: remember how i posted am announcement a while ago saying chapter 40 is going to be around 1.8k words? yeah, well i lied. it's currently 5k and i'm not even close to done. chapter 41 is going to be really long too. i know i promised a double update, but i did one, it would take a while. would you guys prefer me to publish chapter 40 sometime within the next week, or to wait and publish 40 and 41 together sometime in june??

update 5/14/24: i wanted to get chapter 40 out as soon as i could but it's going to be a LOT longer than i expected. i lowkey just thought it was gonna be a bunch of yap but i added in a couple scenes that i thought would be important. so it might end up being the longest chapter in the book. also my computer is so broken right now so there's that too. BUT i'm going to try my absolute best to have it out by the end of the month. love u guys!!

update 8/6/23: since school is starting soon for me i'm going to try to keep a consistent schedule of updating once a week. these updates will be coming out wednesdays.

update 3/24/23: i'm going to rewrite parts of 21-25 for reasons you'll understand later

update 3/18/23: so, as you can see, i've been taking longer to update. there's a few reasons for this, one being that i've just been extremely busy. but the second reason is a little more complicated. usually, while writing the finishing the next chapter, i write some scenes in other chapters, so i don't have to start with a blank slate. however, i haven't done that with any of the upcoming chapters (only larger chapters like battle scars (32)). so yeah, that's why it's taking a while. so don't expect 26-28 to come out quickly. but don't worry, i'm working very hard on them :))

aftermath: life debt | the bad batchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang