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You and Rain were best friends. He was always where you were. You told him everything, and he told you everything, expect the fact that you both had a massive crush on each other. It was so obvious to everyone except you two, so the ghouls and ghoulettes decided to make it their goal to get you two together this tour.

You were currently in France at the beginning of the tour and has done two rituals. You were all lightly drinking not getting drunk or anything but you and Rain were a bit tipsy. You sat next to him and cuddled into his side. "I'm tired." You whispered into his ear,"Same lets go to bed." You both got up and then went to your rooms. You got in bed and then heard a knock on your door and Rain walked in and then said "They fucking blocked my room off for some reason so can I sleep in here?" He asks and you nod and then he walks over and lays beside you.

You both lay in silence and then he says, "Can I ask you something?" And you turn to look at him and nod, "How do you tell someone you like them?" And you blush and then feel sad, he doesn't like you back. "Well just go for it, don't be scared of retention, if they say no just ask to still be friends." You say angry he nods and then leans more forward. "Do you want to be my girlfriend y/n?" He asks and then looks down. "Really?" You ask getting excited,"Yeah, really I've liked you forever and I wanted to ask you for years but never had to guts to-" He says and then you cut him off with a kiss, "Oh Satan, of course I'll be your girlfriend." You say and kiss him again.

He kisses you back and non of you make an effort to break it and you flip you both over and straddle him. He breaks the kiss and then takes in a deep breath and kisses you again. You break the kiss and start kissing his jaw and then his neck. He reaches down and starts to mess with the hem of your shirt, "You can take it off if you want." You say and he lifts it over your head. He moves one of his hands from your waist to your breast and starts kneading it in his hand. You find a sensitive spot on his neck and he moans quite loudly.

You take his shirt off and throw it on the ground and then sit back and look at him. He moves back against the head board and pulls you back into his lap and then starts sucking on your neck. He trails his kisses down to your tits and starts leaving marks all over them. You fhrow your head back and moan and grab his hair and pull him closer to you and keep moaning. He pulls away and then leans back and starts grinding on you, "Please do something." He says and you sit back a bit and pull his pants down and get his dick out. You pull down your underwear and then lower yourself onto him and let out a moan, "Mummy-" He moans and then you start bouncing.

As you bounce on him you feel himself attach his lips back to your tit and you just out your hand in his hair. Soon you feel the knot it your stomach tightening and then you release on him as he releases in you. You get off of him and then flop over and catch your breath. You get up and go to the toilet and then go back and see he had put his boxers back on. You out some underwear on and then lay in bed next to him and he rolls over and out his face in your tits and then you both fall asleep

666 words

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