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"Please mummy, I need it so bad." He moaned. You were currently about half way into an hour long drive and he was really hard. "No, it's dangerous." You say to him and he frowns and keeps squirming. "I can focus on the road while you suck me off, please mummy." He begs again and you sigh and give in. "Fine but you better stay focused." "I promise." He says and you reach over and start unbuckling his belt. He smiles and then you take out his dick and wrap your lips around his dick.

He lets out a loud moan and then outs one of his hands in your hair and pushes you down. "Be a good boy." You warn as you sit up and he apologises. You wrap your lips on him again and then Bob your head down and he lets out another loud moan. You clench your legs together and then use your hand to mess with his balls. "Such a good boy." You moan when you take a breath of air. "I'm going to fuck you so good when we get home." You say and he moans again.

"I'm close mummy." He moans and then uses one of his hands to push your head down so your nose is touching his stomach and then he comes down your throat. "I'm sorry mummy, I didn't mean to push your head down js felt so good." He apologises in a whiney tone. "It's okay baby." You say and tuck his dick away. A few minutes later he pulls into the drive way and you quickly get out of the car. You drag him inside and then immediately pin him against the wall of your bedroom.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good. You want me to do that? You slut." You say and he nods and moans. "Please mummy. Please fuck me with your strap, I'll be such a good boy. Such a good slut for you." He moans and you groans and then drag him over to the bed and oush him on his back. You quickly go and get your strap and he quickly undresses while you do. "Do you need prep baby?" You ask him and then walk over and notice je has a plug in. "You are such a slut aren't you?" You tease and he nods. "Just for you mummy, please fuck me." He moans and you nod.

You kiss him and then he undresses you as quickly as he can. You grab the plug and push it in further and he lets out a loud moan and then you quickly put on the strap and then slowly push into him. He fills up the room with loud moans and you lean down and kiss him again.

After a couple seconds you pulled out and thrusted back in and swallowed up all of his moans. You sped up your thrusts and he held your hips and then leaned up against the bed frame and started kissing and sucking on your neck. He moved his kisses to your chest and then tugged your nipple with his teeth and you let out a moan. "I'm so close mummy." He moaned. "Come for me baby, come for mummy." You moan and wrap your hand around his neck. He let out another moans and came all over yours and his' stomach.

"Good boy." You moan and pull out of him. "Ride my fingers, please mummy." He whines and you smirk and then straddle his thighs. He puts one hand on your waist and uses his other hand to push two fingers into you. You let out a moan and then slowly start bouncing on them.

"So good." You moan, "So close." You add and he uses his other hand to rub your clit, and then you come on his fingers. He pulls them out of you and then licks all of the cum off of them and moans. You then both have a bath, and dinner then go to sleep.

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