⚠️Sodo and Rain⚠️

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Sodo has anorexia and Rain helps him recover
The routine is the same, don't eat all day until the group dinner, eat as little as possible during the dinner, throw up, sleep, repeat. It's been this way about three months for Sodo and he was no longer his Bubbly, horny self he was thin, dying, depressed, scared of the future and just not himself but he remembers what it was like to be normal so he pretends. He smiles and does horny shit but it's all fake. Some people have asked him over the last few weeks if he is okay, and he plays it off and distracts them. That was until one day, during a full moon, Rain came in and asked for help. He helped him, and then after he fell asleep with his shirt off, and in the morning, when Rain woke up, he saw how skiny, dangerously skinny he was.

"Sodo, what have you done to yourself?" He said, and then Sodo woke up, and his eyes immediately watered. He got up and ran to the bathroom and then locked the door and sat by the tub. "Sodo, please let me in. I'm not mad at you, I want to help you." Rain said, and Sodo broke down. "Promise?" He said, and he peaked his head around the door, "Promise." Rain said and held up his pinky. Sodo shook it and then opened the door.

Rain gasped and then said, "When was the last time you ate?" In a gentle voice. "Yesterday at dinner." Sodo said, with a twinge on guilt, "Did you keep it down?" Rain asked, and he shook his head and broke down. Rain hugged him, and Sodo wailed into his shoulder. "I can't eat, I just can't. The voices won't let me, I'll get fat, and all the fans will hate me, and you will all leave me." Sodo said between gasps for air. Rain walked him over to the bed and then sat down and let Sodo cry his heart out.

"What do you mean, we don't care if you're fat, neither do the fans, they like you, not your body." Rain said, "You could way like 50 stone (700 pounds) for all we care, or more. It doesn't matter what you look like." Rain continued. Sodo cried for about ten minutes until he had no tears left. He calmed down and then lifted his head, "Sorry." Is the only thing he said, "No, it's not your fault. Can we go and eat something, please?" Rain said. Sodo nodded and then stood up.

They walked to the kitchen, and Sodo was shaking at the thought of eating. Rain sat him on an island stool and shooed everyone out of the kitchen. "What do you want, and you have to choose something or I'll choose." Rain said with no room for debates. Sodo thought and then said, "Toast with jam... it was my favourite when I was human." He said, and Rain nodded, "Do you want to help me make it?" And Sodo nodded and stood up. They made it together and made Rain some too, and they both sat down at a ninty degree angle from each other.

"Just small bites." Rain said, and Sodo nodded. He looked at the food and then looked at Rain and lifted his very shaky hand up to the food. He took a small bite off the corner and then cried and chewed it. He sobbed so hard, and the tears were soaking his shirt, and the noises he made were so loud while he ate the tiniest bite. Swiss ran into the kitchen when he heard the noise and saw Sodo sobbing with a slice of toast in very shaky hands. He looked at Rain, and he told him everything in his eyes.

Swiss came and sat next to Sodo and grabbed his other hand. He pulled Sodo into his side and then encouraged him to take another bite. Sodo did, and it was a bigger bite this time, and he chewed it very slowly.

"Well done, I'm proud of you." Rain said after Sodo finished half of it. "How do you feel?" He asked Sodo, and Sodo looked at him and said, "Hungry but sick at the same time." And Rain nodded, "Your body won't be used to calories anymore, you will feel sick, but you should eat everytime you feel hungry, even if it is at like 4 in the morning or 11 at night, whenever you feel hungry eat." Rain said, and Sodo nodded.

Over a very long feeling two months, Sodo started eating more. He started off eating toast with jam every day, and after a week, he finished 2 whole slices. Over the next week, after that, he ate toast for breakfast or lunch and then had something small around dinner time. However, things started to get off plan when one day he slept in and couldn't eat early enough for it to be considered lunch anymore, so he skipped that meal. He didn't tell Rain or anyone, though, and carried on with his day. He later felt hungry at around 9 pm. and went into the kitchen. He craved some chocolate cake, so that is what he had. There was a cake with two slices left and he took half of one and ate it and still felt hungry so he had the other half, and then the other one, then he had some chocolate bars, then some brownies and then he felt full.

He looked around at how much he had eaten and cried, 'You're so greedy, your so fat' the voices whispered in his ears. "Shut up." He said, and then he started hitting his head until they did. He cleaned up all the mess and decided to go tell Rain. He walked into his room and saw he wasn't there. He called him, and when he picked up, he said he was at a party with Mountain and Cumulus. "Are you okay?" He asked Sodo, and he said, "Yeah, fine, I don't even remember why I called you." And hung up.

He ran to his bathroom and then made himself throw up everything he ate. Rain knew something wasn't right, and he headed back from the party immediately. When he got in Sodo's room, he saw him kneeling on the bathroom floor, throwing up. "Oh Satan, no, Sodo, it's okay." He said and he walked over to him, "I'm sorry I just ate so much and I needed to get rid of it, oh I probably ate so many calories, I'm going to get fat again." He said and cried.

Rain cooed him? And comforted him until he calmed down. He lifted him up and then placed him on the counter. He washed his hands and then carried him to his bed, "How much did you eat?" He asked. "Two slices of chocolate cake, 4 chocolate bars, and 3 brownies." Sodo said and started crying again. "That's okay, you won't get fat over some chocolate, as long as you don't do it every minute of every day." Rain said.

Over the next few weeks after that, he convinced Sodo to see a psychiatrist. They made excellent progress, and soon enough, Sodo was eating at the group dinner again and getting his charm back.

He relapsed many times, and recovery isn't easy, but in the end, it's worth it. To get your old cheery self back, to get your happiness back and to get your health back. Recovery takes time and effort, but in the end, it's just another obstacle along the journey of life.

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