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I feel like absolute shit because I've got a cold, so I'm going to write a story where y/n has a cold. Also, it is kinda like a chest infection because when I get a normal cold, I always get a chest infection, so ye.
This morning, you woke up feeling awful. Bot only did you wake up gasping for air. You ran straight to the bathroom to stop snot running into your mouth. You grabbed some toilet roll and went back to bed and took your inhaler. You had always had a weak immune system, so when you had to spend all week in the same room as a coughing sister, you knew you would get ill.

A few hours later, your alarm to get ready went off, so you got up and got ready to do your chores. You got ready while sneezing every 2 second almost and you gave up on eye liner because you were sneezing too often, which showed you were ill because you wore it all the time. You grabbed your inhaler and then shoved it in a pag and out it on your back, knowing you would need it during the day.

You went to the kitchen first to grab some food and saw Rain. He asked you if you were okay and you said yes and then sniffled and grab a tissue from your sleeve. He asked again and you reassured him because you didn't want him to worry. You did your chores as usual only having to stop every few hours to catch your breath. That was until you had to go from the top floor to the ground floor and then out to the edge of the garden to collect mail from the post box. You started walking down the stairs taking short breaks at every level. Once you had gone down all four level to the ground floor you were very out of breath but wanted to get it done as quick as possible to go to bed as it was your last chore.

You walked through the halls out to the garden door and you were already wheezing but you kept going. You got to the post box and got the mail and ignored your gasps for breath and started walking back. That was until you was talking very quick short breaths, and you knew you were having an asthma attack. You kept walking and gasping for air until you couldn't no longer because your legs gave out and you fell on the floor and layer there gasping for air too weak to grab your bag off your shoulder.

You laid there thinking you were going to die and desperately clawing at your throat hoping to he able to breathe. You heard a voice and looked up and saw Swiss and realized he was probably screaming. You pointed to your bag and he grabbed it off and took out your inhaler and attached it and then held it to your nose and mouth and pressed down. You inhaled it and then made a signal for him to do it again and he did. He did it three more times so you took a total of four and then he took it away and rubbed your back and told you to take deep breaths.

"Thanks man, I thought I was a goner." You say when you can and then collapsed onto his chest. He picks you up and your belongings and then carries you to the medical wing. "I'm fine really." You say to Swiss when he walks in. "She had an asthma attack, nearly died and she has had a cold all day." He says to the nurse and she nods and then gets a bed. They check your vitals and stuff and give you the correct treatment. You lay there with Swiss holding your hand while slowly gaining back the ability to breathe.

After the mask was taken off a few hours later after a few doses of medicine you were gives oxygen and then you got a drink. They took some blood and then attached a drip of saline as you were extremely dehydrated. Swiss came and sat with you for the next four days you were kept in the ministry hospital and tried his best to cheer you up. You were allowed to your room on the fifth day on bed rest and Swisscarried you back. He walked with you everywhere for the net week as you recovered and then you got back to your duties a week and a half later.

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