Over It

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"Damnit, enough," Darry all but bellowed. "I'm sick of this shit."

"He started it!" Both Ponyboy and Steve protested. Sodapop had his arms wrapped around Pony's torso while Darry had Steve's arms pulled behind his back. Both had been brawling on the living room floor and Darry had had enough.

"You two stop fighting or I swear to God I'll skin you both right here," Darry ordered, "Sodapop, put Ponyboy in y'all's room and meet me on the porch."

"C'mon, Pony," Soda said, releasing him but keeping and firm hand on the back of his neck.

"Sit on the couch and don't you dare move," Darry said, pushing a still fuming Steve to sit down, before walking out of the house, barely resisting the urge to slam the screen door. Last time he did that, he broke the door right off the hinges. After he cooled off, he felt real guilty about that, knowing he would've whupped his brothers for doing that. He tried to get Soda to whip him for it, but the boys had made him treat them to ice cream and popcorn at the drive in as 'punishment' for doing that instead. Plus, Two-Bit had insisted that Darry stand in the corner for a while. They all got a kick out of seeing the big, bad Darry in time-out.

"I'm sick of those two being at each other's throats all the time," Darry huffed when Soda joined him on the porch.

"I know, Dar, but that's what brothers do, they fight," Soda replied, "You and Pony used to fight plenty before you started to dig each other more,"

Darry winced at that one. He certainly regretted all of the fights he and his baby brother had had. Plopping down on on the deck chair, Darry sighed, "I know, little buddy. But I wish that someone had been there to give me a good kick in the ass back then."

"You gonna go back in there and kick some ass then?"

"I guess so, but things have gotta change. I'm all over Pony all the time for letting his temper get the best of him, but Steve needling at him all the time is no help. I haven't gotten on Steve about it as much because nothing he says by itself is all that bad, but it's getting to be constant now."

"Want me to have a chat with him?" Soda offered. Darry considered that for a moment. Maybe Soda could get through to his buddy. On the other hand, Darry knew Steve needed more than just words this time.

"Thanks, but I think Stevie and I have to have our own conversation," Darry said, rubbing his hand over his face, "But we gotta make a plan for long term. I don't think one whupping is gonna nip this in the bud.

"Do you wanna just tell Steve he's not allowed to tease Pony at all anymore?"

"Maybe as a last resort, but I also need Ponyboy to learn not to lash out when someone gets under his skin. We can't stop everyone in the world from teasing him. I'm okay with Steve bugging him a little bit as long as its not constant and its not over the line."

"Okay so how do we do that? Tell Steve he's only allowed to tease Ponyboy once an hour," Soda said with a slight smirk at the infeasible idea.

"You wanna try policing that?"

"Fine, how about this? If Stevie gets Pony all worked up and Pony gets into trouble, he gets into trouble too. Like if Steve goads Pony into cussing at him, they both get their mouths washed out. Maybe that'll make him take Pony's feelings a little more into account but not stop the teasing altogether."

"I knew I had smart kid brothers," Darry said, smiling at Sodapop, who blushed.

"Thanks," Soda replied, "Mind taking credit for my brilliant idea though? Don't want Stevie to be mad at me."

"Oh, I see, make me the bad guy," Darry said, but he didn't really mind. He knew he would feel the same way if he was in Sodapop's shoes.

"Face, it Dar, you'll always be the bad guy."

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