Playin' Hookey (Part 1)

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"Turn the TV off. Family meeting," Darry said, coming into the room and putting his hands on his hips. Uh oh, Darry didn't look happy. Ponyboy was sure that his big brother knew.

"What'd we do now?" Steve asked.

"Ran into Mrs. Murphy at the grocery store," Darry said, "She asked me if Ponyboy was sick since he wasn't in class today. Imagine my surprise since I'd thought it was a teacher work day."

"Wait, it wasn't a teacher work day?" Two-Bit asked, feigning surprise.

"Knock it off," Darry ordered, "I know y'all lied to me."

"Hey, Ponyboy lied to you, we just didn't correct him," Steve said. Pony sent him an outraged look and jabbed his foot into the older boy's side.

"Both of you, here, now," Darry barked, snapping his finger and pointing to the spot in front of him.

"Why?" Ponyboy whined.

"'Cause I'm gonna smack your backside, that's why," Darry said. Ponyboy could tell from his big brother's exasperated tone that he oughta do as he was told or else. Steve reached Darry first and Darry turned him to the side and smacked him twice before letting him go. Pony gulped when Darry reached for the waistband of his jeans. He didn't know why he'd be gettin his pants pulled down when Steve didn't. The rule was that they got the same punishment for stuff like this. To Pony's relief, Darry just pulled up the waistband of his too loose jeans, pulling the material taught over the kid's backside before smacking his hand down twice. Goddamn, Darry was strong.

"Ow," Pony complained, crossing his arms to keep from rubbing his ass. He didn't need any remarks of 'he barely touched you' from his big brothers.

"I'm done playing with y'all today," Darry scolded, "Why in God's name did you need to play hooky?"

No one immediately answered, but Pony knew Darry was in a smacking mood and didn't have a lot of patience. "We wanted to see if we'd get away with it."

Darry sighed and turned to Soda and Dally, "Did y'all know about this?"

"No siree," Soda replied.

"Nah," Dally confirmed, still eyeing Darry warily.

"Alright, you're off the hook. But the rest of y'all lied to me," Darry said, "Did any of you go to school today?"

A chorus of mumbled 'no's and 'no, sir's rang out.

"That what I thought," Darry said, "I want each of y'all to get the notes for each of your classes. You can spend Saturday copying them right here at the table where I can keep an eye on you.

"But I'm working on Sunday!" Steve argued, "I won't have a single day off."

"You had today off, even though you weren't supposed to," Darry said, shutting down any further arguments. "Y'all are lucky I'm not washing mouths out for lying to my face."

"We're awful sorry Dar," Ponyboy said, gaining a bit of courage now that he knew he wasn't gonna be sucking on soap. He hadn't been sure if that was coming or not, but he really hated getting his mouth washed out.

"No you ain't," Darry said, "You're just sorry you got caught. Speaking of which, how did y'all plan to avoid getting into trouble at school for this?"

"We were gonna forge notes," Johnny squeaked out. The school policy was if a kid didn't bring in a note, the school secretary would call home for the parent to confirm that the kid was sick or otherwise excused. Most parents Pony knew wouldn't lie for their kids and would let them get paddled in school, then probably whup them again at home. He'd seen that happen to Soda, both when his parents were alive, and after they died, before he dropped out. In fact, it happened more than once in the months leading up to Soda dropping out. Darry covered for him at first, probably thinking that Soda needed time to grieve, but just as he was tough on Ponyboy, Darry was tough on Soda. Darry spanked Soda a couple times for ditching and finally resorted to using his belt before giving up altogether and letting Soda drop out. Both Pony and Darry hated that Soda dropped out, but they needed the money.

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