Campin' (Part 1)

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"Hey, Johnny, man, you coming in Steve's car with me?" Dally asked.

"No, I want him and Pony in the truck. It's gonna be tight as is and they're the smallest," Darry answered for him. They were all headed out for a weekend camping trip, their first trip with the whole gang. They'd finally found a long weekend that Darry, Soda, and Steve all could get off and Darry was determined not to waste it. Darry knew they must be excited because he hadn't heard a single complaint about having to get up early. They were about to set off for the campground and Darry wanted to hit the road by 8.

"Aw, I wanted to go with Soda," Pony complained.

"No rugrats in my car," Steve said, smirking at Ponyboy.

"Not a rugrat," Pony muttered, rolling his eyes

"C'mon, let's get moving," Darry said, trying to stop any arguments before they started. The possibility of a blowup between Pony and Steve was another reason he wanted Pony in the truck with him.

The first hour or so of the car trip went well. Johnny had never been camping before and Pony was excited to tell him all about it. He talked on and on about how to pitch a tent and roast marshmallows over the fire. Darry was glad to hear him so excited about the trip. Unfortunately, it all came to a screeching halt when Pony pulled out his pack of cigarettes.

"Put those away," Darry ordered, "I don't want you blowing smoke in my face while I'm trying to drive."

"C'mon Dar!" Pony argued, "Just one? Please!"

"We'll be there in 45 minutes. You can last until then."

"Fine," Ponyboy muttered. Over the next fifteen minutes, Pony became increasingly grumpy. He even snapped at Johnny, earning him a smack to the top of his leg. Darry almost wished he'd have let kid have a cigarette but he couldn't give in now. All that would teach the kid was that throwing a tantrum would get him what he wanted. After one particularly sassy complaint, Darry had had enough.

"Ponyboy Michael, if I hear one more complaint out of you, I will pull this car over and spank your butt right here," Darry threatened, "Is that what you want? To ride the rest of the way on a sore backside?"

"No, sir," Pony said, but mumbled under his breath, "This wouldn't've happened if I could've gone in the other car."

Darry couldn't believe the nerve on this kid. Did Pony really think that Darry couldn't hear him? Damnit, Darry hadn't actually planned to go through with his threat, thinking Ponyboy would shape up in order to avoid a whupping on the side of the road. Luckily the road was pretty isolated. He considered waiting the 30 minutes and just spanking Pony when he got there, but he'd made a promise to the kid and he had to follow through.

Without another word, Darry turned his blinker on and veered off the side of the road. The boys in the car behind him followed along. Once there, Darry hopped out and walked over to where Steve had rolled his window down.

"Everything alright with the truck?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I just gotta spank a misbehaving backside. Y'all might as well stay in the car. We'll be back on the road in five."

"What'd Ponykid do?" Two-Bit chimed in from the backseat. They all knew it had to be Ponyboy. Not much trouble you could get into in the car besides having a smart mouth and Johnny wasn't exactly known for that.

"I should've just let him have the stupid cigarette," Darry muttered, leaving Two-Bit's question unanswered.

"Dar, I'm real sorry about how I acted in the car. I'll behave from now on. Promise," Ponyboy said. He and Johnny had both exited the car and were standing in the grass.

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