Make it Right

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Johnny was in over his head. Way over his head. The stupid Soc had taunted him about being a wimp and Johnny had just lost it. He did the one thing he could to prove that he wasn't a wimp. He clocked the guy right in the jaw.

Unfortunately, the senior had six inches and fifty pounds on the scrawny freshman. Still, Johnny was scrappy and got a few good hits before shit really started to hit the fan. The Soc kneed Johnny in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending him gasping for air. Johnny thought for a terrible second that the older boy just might kill him before he saw a familiar figure enter the alley. Dally grabbed the guy by the collar, spinning him around and giving him a punch to the stomach that sent him flying and landing on his back.

"You picked the wrong kid to fuck with," Dally said, grabbing his blade and advancing toward the Soc.

"Dal, wait!" Johnny cried before Dally could slice the guy up, "Just let him go. I hit him first."

"You what?!" Dally yelled, turning to Johnny.

"I hit him first," Johnny said, watching the Soc scurry away.

"Are you fuckin' brain dead?" Dally hollered, grabbing Johnny by the front of the shirt, "That guy coulda ate you for breakfast."

Johnny flinched and braced himself, waiting for Dally to backhand him. He was surprised when he felt Dally let go of his t-shirt. After a few second, he risked peeking out of one eye to see Dally a few steps back, clearly trying to control his temper.

"Dal?" Johnny ventured.

"No, shut up," Dally said, "I don't wanna here a fuckin' word til we get to the house. Let's go." He took Johnny by the upper arm, walking fast enough that Johnny had to jog a little to keep up. Johnny didn't know what he was more afraid of in that moment: Dally's anger or Darry finding out and whupping his behind. Dally was known for his hot temper, but Johnny really wasn't sure where the anger was coming from this time. He knew why Darry would be pissed, but not Dal. Dally was always getting into fights. Whether the guy was three or eight feet tall never really seemed to matter to Dal.

Both Steve and Two-Bit's cars were in the driveway alongside Darry's truck. Johnny groaned internally at them all being there for the spanking he was sure to get from Darry. He knew that Darry would take Johnny into the bedroom--he didn't give out more than just a quick reminder in front of everyone-- but they'd all still hear.

"Get your ass inside and tell Darry what you did," Dally said, shoving Johnny toward the house, "I gotta take a walk and calm down."

Johnny watched Dally walk away for a second before he risked calling after him, "I know you're mad at me, but don't hurt anybody, okay?"

Dally turned back around and Johnny swore the older boy lost some of his anger, "Okay, kid."

Dally took a long walk, determined to stay away until he no longer wanted to shake the kid until his teeth rattled. Johnny was always getting beaten up by his old man, but now he was out looking for someone else to beat him up? Jesus Christ. The kid was gonna get himself killed. That was, if Dally didn't just kill him first.

He considered just staying away for the rest of the day and coming back once Johnny had been dealt with. That way Dally wouldn't have to listen to Darry spank the kid and they could all just move on. No, he had to go back and get his two-cents in.

When he finally was in control of himself, Dally walked back into the Curtis house to find only Johnny and Darry there. Darry must've sent the other boys away. Johnny was sitting in a kitchen chair, facing the corner, holding an ice pack to his cheek where the Soc had gotten him. Darry was reading the paper in the same room as Johnny, but had the TV on softly.

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