Playin' Hookey (Part 2)

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After that day, Ponyboy resolved not to ditch school again. Or at the very least, not get caught. But one morning he and Darry got into it about a C he got on a pop quiz and Ponyboy felt like playing hooky just for the sake of it. He hadn't thought it through too well, though. Nobody was around to skip with and he found himself quickly getting bored. He went to the movies in the morning, but then decided to risk going home to get his book, planning to sit under the tree and read a little. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the book right away and was still looking for it when Darry showed up.

"Ponyboy Michael, why ain't you in school?" Darry asked, frowning at him.

"Uh, why ain't you at work?" Ponyboy tried.

"You wanna try that again?" Darry countered, raising an eyebrow.

"I cut school," Ponyboy answered, looking at his feet.

"Jesus, Pony, I thought we already went over this."

"We did."

"Apparently not good enough, since you're here, doing it again. Do you remember what I told you would happen if you skip school?"

Ponyboy really wanted to say no, but he knew Darry would see right through him. "You said you'd tan me every night for a week, but Dar, that's way too much"

"No, Ponyboy, I don't wanna hear it. I'm gonna nip this in the bud once and for all," Darry said, "Was anyone with you?"

Damnit, now he was doubly screwed. He wasn't allowed to skip school and he certainly wasn't allowed to be roaming around on his own. Ponyboy reluctantly shook his head.

"Alright, then I think you already know what's gonna happen," Darry said, "I'm gonna tan you tonight for skipping school and being out alone and then reheat your butt each night to remind you to do your best in school the next day."

"That's not fair."

"Keep talking and I'll show you what not fair looks like," Darry scolded, crossing his arms. Ponyboy wisely shut up. Darry looked at him sternly for a moment before checking his watch. "No point in you going back to school now. Clean up the house and stay out of trouble till I get off."

"Yessir," Ponyboy said sullenly.

"I mean it," Darry said, "Step one foot out of this house and I'm taking off my belt." Pony nodded at his clearly pissed off big brother, who grabbed his lunch and headed out the door.

As the day went on, Ponyboy got more and more annoyed. What did it matter if he skipped school every once in a while? He still got As in all his classes. And Soda and Dally had dropped out! Darry was such a hypocrite for being all over Pony's ass.

Ponyboy did a half-ass job of tidying up the house before flopping down on the couch to watch TV. He must've fallen asleep because the next thing he felt was a weight flopping down on his torso.

"We missed you at school today, kid," Two-Bit said, sitting on top of Ponyboy.

"Get off me," Ponyboy said, trying to push the older boy off of him. Johnny, Steve, and Dally were all grinning at them, but no one came to the fourteen year old's aid. Pony punched at Two-Bit's back until the eighteen year old finally let him wiggle out.

"What happened, Pone? You go home sick?" Johnny asked concerned. God, Johnny was the only real friend Ponyboy had.

"Nah, I played hooky," Ponyboy shrugged, before yelping at the sharp slap upside the head.

"You skipped again?" Steve said incredulously, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You better pray Darry don't find out," Dally added. If it were anyone else, Pony would've glared, but he still had a healthy fear of Dally.

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