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"Damn, Darry's got a hard hand," Ponyboy complained, rubbing his backside as he came back into the living room to rejoin his brothers. Darry had just spanked Ponyboy for what felt like the thousandth time that month. Even though it wasn't hard whupping, barely any tears were shed, Darry had still held him for a good long while afterward before letting him leave the room. Pony was just griping for the sake of griping and they all knew it.

"Must not've been that hard," Two-Bit joked, "Couldn't hear you wailing this time."

"Shut up, Two-Bit," Ponyboy muttered, "Not like we've never heard you get your butt blistered."

"Not as many times as you," Two-Bit shot back, "Darry's been beating your butt forever."

"Nah, not forever," Darry said, "First time was when he was seven or eight and nearly sliced his feet to ribbons. Even then I just popped him a couple times."


"You mad?" Ponyboy asked, chewing on his fingernail nervously. Darry looked down at the worried seven year old and the shattered picture frame. His mom and dad were at a parent teacher conference with Soda. Darry was at home babysitting the kid. The fourteen year old usually liked hanging out with his baby brother, but today Pony seemed determined to drive him up the wall.

"No, not mad, but I did ask you to stop playing ball in the house," Darry said, "I want you to stand in the corner and think about that while I clean up the glass. It's sharp and I don't want you cutting yourself."

"I can help," Ponyboy said, rushing over to the wall that the picture frame had fallen from. Luckily, Darry was quicker and grabbed the kid before he could get hurt. He picked Ponyboy up and carried him away from the glass, instinctually giving him two firm slaps to the seat of his khaki shorts.

"Ponyboy Michael, what did I just say?" Darry scolded, standing him in the opposite corner of the room, "You do not walk around broken glass without shoes on. Now stand here while I go get the broom and dustpan or I'll spank you for real."

His sensitive brother immediately burst into tears, crying way more than Darry thought the situation called for as he stood in the corner. Darry made quick work of sweeping up the glass, then going over the area with a wet towel, ensuring no shards were left to hurt his bare footed kid brother. Once it seemed like Ponyboy had stood there for long enough, Darry tapped him on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" Ponyboy cried, and Darry quickly got down on one knee and hugged the boy to him.

"Hey, you're alright," Darry said, "You served your time out and you're not in trouble anymore. You understand why I put you in the corner though, right?"

"I broke the picture," Pony sniffled.

"Yeah, you did, and that happened because you didn't listen to me when I asked you to put the ball away," Darry said, "And I smacked your butt because you didn't listen to me again about staying away from the glass. It was nice of you to want to help, but you could've really been hurt."

"You think I'm gonna get a spankin' when Mama and Daddy get home?" Ponyboy asked.

"No, I doubt it." Their father was pretty easy going about little stuff like a broken picture frame. Their mother was a little tougher, but he didn't think she'd want to spank Ponyboy over this. Honestly, Darry was more worried that his father was going to spank him. He'd never been given explicit permission to pop his kid brothers if they got out of line.

Picking Pony up, Darry figured he'd worry about that when the time came. He settled the now calmer but still clingy Ponyboy on his lap to watch TV for a bit. It wasn't long before the kid got bored and wanted to get down and run around again, so Darry sent him off with a warning not to pick up the ball again. The oldest Curtis did his homework while the youngest played until eventually the kid fell asleep on the couch before their parents got home.

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