Smokin' Backsides

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Darry was straightening up the living room, despite it being currently inhabited by two lounging teenagers. The other four were outside doing God knows what. He had picked up the empty beer and coke bottles and potato chip bags around the room and moved to fold up the throw blanket that was haphazardly thrown over the end of the couch.

"Uh, I'll get that, Dar," Soda said shooting up from the armchair and sending a look toward Steve. Darry was immediately suspicious at the response. In what looked like a choreographed dance, Soda slowly moved the blanket away from the arm of the sofa, while Steve, trying to look casual, leaned his arm over the vacated spot.

"What are you two hiding?" Darry asked.

"Hiding? We ain't hiding nothin'," Steve said, shifting his body closer to the arm of the couch. What could they possibly have under there?

"Then move your arm," Darry said. Steve immediately moved his left arm around, feigning ignorance to what Darry wanted. Darry rolled his eyes. "The other arm."

"Aw, c'mon, why do you always think we're up to something?" Soda interjected.

"Because y'all always are," Darry said, "Do I need to count to three?"

Steve and Soda both looked at each other. It was always a lost cause when Darry started counting. Steve reluctantly moved to show what he was hiding. There, on the arm of the couch was a prominent cigarette burn. Darry rubbed a hand over his face. He wasn't mad but he was pretty damn frustrated. For a while now, he'd been trying to get all of them to cut back on the smoking, and take it outside if they did. It wasn't the first cigarette burn on the furniture, but Darry had warned them on multiple occasions to watch their smokes before they destroyed all the furniture or burned the house down.

"Which one of y'all did this? Or are you trying to cover for one of the boys?"

"Nah, it was me," Steve admitted.

"I've warned y'all about this over and over," Darry sighed. Why didn't his boys ever listen? "Soda, go get the rest of the weed-fiends. Family meeting."

Soda nodded and went to grab the other four. Steve looked nervous to be left alone to face whatever Darry may have in store for him.  Darry reached down and pulled off one of his sneakers before crooking his finger at Steve, who reluctantly stood up shuffled forward.

"I know you don't wanna get spanked, but your brothers are not gonna like what I have to say and I think you'll find they won't blame you for it if they know you've got a stinging ass."

"Yeah, alright," Steve said, bending over and putting his hands on his knees without being asked. Darry was relieved. It was a hell of a lot easier for everyone if his boys accepted the consequences without a fight. Darry held the sneaker by the heel and brought it down smartly on the seat of Steve's jeans. He got two more smacks in before the boys started coming through the door.

"Woah, what happened here?" Two-Bit asked. Darry ignored him and landed three more smacks on Steve's backside.

"We're done," Darry said, letting Steve stand up.

"Oww, Dar! And now you're gonna make me sit through this family meeting?!" Steve complained, rubbing at his backside, ignoring snorts from Pony and Two-Bit.

"Yep," Darry said, ruffling Steve's carefully combed hair. That earned Darry more of a glare than the brief punishment did. He watched as Steve lowered himself down onto the couch in a way that was more dramatic than Darry thought necessary. Two-Bit and Dally joined Steve on the couch while Soda grabbed the armchair, leaving Ponyboy and Johnny on the floor, as usual.

As Darry started to put his sneaker back on, he realized he might as well leave it off. They hardly ever made it through a family meeting without someone getting popped and it would save his hand if he got a lot of back talk. After kicking off his other shoe to match, Darry plucked the cigarette out of Two-Bit's mouth and put it out in the coffee can they used as an ash tray.

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