Grand Theft Bicycle

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"Wanna explain to me why there's a kid's bike sitting in my house?" Darry asked, meeting Dallas outside as he came up the driveway. He'd found the bike shoved in the corner of the living room that morning. It was too small for any of the boys, clearly belonging to a grade schooler, or maybe a small junior high kid. In fact, Darry was pretty sure it belonged to Sammy Jenkins down the block. The bike was pretty beat up, obviously second hand, which just made things worse. Swiping a bike from a rich kid was one thing but swiping it from a poor kid was just plain mean.

"Don't know nothing about it," Dally said, with a small smile that told everything he needed to know. Dally had stolen the kid's bike and was proud of it.

"You don't, huh?" Darry said, glaring at the kid, "Well, I'm guessing somebody decided to rob a little kid last night for whatever goddamn reason."

"I dunno, Dar, wasn't me," Dally shrugged.

"Well all the boys were here last night, 'cept you and Johnny. So I guess Johnny stole it then? " Darry asked, calling Dally's bluff. He'd questioned Johnny as soon as he showed up that morning, knowing that he and Dally were together the night before. Johnny had admitted to lifting the bike with enough detail for Darry to know that he'd indeed been involved and not just covering for Dal. What Darry couldn't believe was that Johnny had done this alone or that this had been his idea in the slightest. He'd told him as much and set the kid to writing 'I will not steal from little kids,' while they waited for Dallas to arrive. Darry figured if Dally didn't show up in an hour, he'd give Johnny a reprieve and go looking for Dal.

"Nah, man, Johnny and me were at the drive in last night," Dallas replied, starting to go on the defensive once Johnny's name was brought up. That was good at least. Showed Dally cared about something.

"Ya'll need to get your story straight, because Johnny already confessed. Said he did it alone though."

"Look, I don't know why the little shit would say that, but it ain't true."

"Well, somebody's gotta get a whipping for this, and since the kid confessed, I guess it'll be him." Darry said, watching Dally go pale at the mention of Johnny getting a whipping. Darry would never use his belt on Johnny, but Dally didn't need to know that.

"You don't gotta be handing out no whippings for this," Dally argued, "I'll take Johnny to go bring the bike back and all will be square, alright?"

"Well that's a start, but I gotta make sure he don't ever do this again," Darry said, getting madder as this stupid argument went on. They both knew that Dallas was involved and Darry just wanted to get this over with.

"You're not whipping him," Dally said, eyes blazing.

"Yes, I am. I won't have him turning into the neighborhood bully on my watch," Darry said, before deciding to change tactics, "Actually, you know what, he looks up to you so much, I think you should do it."

If he weren't so annoyed, Darry would've chuckled at the horrified look on Dally's face when he took his belt off and and offered it to the kid. He knew was taking a risk that the kid wouldn't grab the belt and wrap it around his neck.

"What the fuck! I'm not gonna whip him, especially for something that he didn't do!"

"Well, he was pretty adamant that he did it and did it alone. So unless you got something to tell me..." Darry said, trailing off.

"Alright, fine, it was me, damnit!" Dally said, "That little Jenkins brat was pissing me off so I swiped his bike. He's lucky I didn't kick his ass while I was at it."

"Jesus Christ, Dallas, you're seventeen years old, and he's what, ten?" Darry scolded, "And it's not like this is some Soc kid. His folks can't afford to buy him another and you know that."

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