Can't Catch a Break

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"Watch out, Superman's in a mood today," Soda said as Steve rolled up to the house that afternoon. Darry couldn't pretend he didn't know what Soda was talking about. He'd had a bad day at work. They were behind schedule and he'd gotten his ass chewed out over it. Plus, it was 100 degrees in the shade that day and he'd been working for eight days without a day off. He came home hot, frustrated and tired. All he'd wanted was a shower, but of course, for whatever goddamn reason, Two-Bit was in their shower.

Just before Steve came in, Ponyboy had mouthed off and Darry had popped him. When Soda intervened and told him to lay off, Darry threatened to give him 'a reminder of who's in charge around here.' Yeah, suffice to say, Darry was being sterner than usual.

Darry liked to think he was consistent in handing out discipline, but he knew he punished more when he was in a bad mood. It wasn't that he swatted and spanked to take out his own frustration. He'd never do that. It was more like the rules were always the rules, but he was more likely to let things slide if he was in a good mood. Things like talking back or rolling eyes might earn a scowl or admonishment when Darry was having a good day, but would have Darry handing out smacks on a bad day. He'd read his mom's copy of Dr. Spock and knew that consistency was supposed to be important for kids, but it didn't always happen. He was barely more than a kid himself, after all!

"Ain't Superdope always in a mood?" Steve laughed, not seeming particularly concerned. Darry supposed that was good. He didn't want his boys to have to tiptoe around him just because he was having a having a bad day, but it wouldn't kill them to lay off him a bit. Well as long as everyone followed his very reasonable rules, Darry wouldn't have to do any more smacking.

He should've known that was wishful thinking.

Darry sat down in the armchair to wait for Two-Bit to finish what was apparently the world's longest shower. He just wanted to read the paper in peace, but the TV was going and Soda and Steve were bickering like an old married couple about what to watch. Darry knew they were arguing for the sake of arguing. Nothing good was on at this time anyway. He was just about to tell them to knock it off when Ponyboy came into the room.

"Can you sign this?" Ponyboy asked, standing in front of Darry and handing him note from school.

"What is it?" Darry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing important," Ponyboy said, fidgeting a little bit in front of his big brother.

"Uh huh," Darry said, looking down the paper. It said that Pony had skipped third period, but since it was a first time offense, they let him off with a warning and a note home. "Why in the world did you need to skip class?"

"Needed to finish my math homework."

"The math homework that you promised me you finished before going out last night?"

"Yessir," Pony said quietly. The kid looked unsurprised when Darry reached up and grabbed his bicep. Darry spread his knees and pulled Ponyboy over his left leg. Pony was still wearing his shorts from track practice so it was easy enough to yank them and his briefs down. Darry didn't pay much attention to the fact that Soda and Steve were both in the room when he started smacking. This wasn't going to be a full spanking and Darry didn't feel like getting up for just a short reminder. The loud smacks rang through the small living room.

"Can't you whup the brat somewhere else? We're trying to watch TV," Steve complained, the little shit. Darry doled out three more swats before righting Pony's shorts. Pony stood up quickly, shooting Darry an annoyed look before going to sit on the opposite side of Soda, milking his middle brother's sympathy.

"You're lucky you're not sucking down a bar of soap," Darry says, glaring at the kid's theatrics, "You know I don't like you lying to me."

Pony humphed but didn't say anything else, apparently accepting the relatively mild punishment.

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