No Man Left Behind

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Dally was excited. There was a real big bash happening out in Brumly that night and greasers everywhere were talking about it. It was sure to be a rough scene. At least one fight would break out and somebody would probably get jailed. Dally's kind of fun.

Darry had warned them when he first heard about it that they weren't allowed to go, but Dallas had figured he'd forgotten by now. Not that it mattered; he was still gonna go anyway. If there was one thing Dally hated, it was an order. It's why he kept getting fired from jobs. He 'didn't take direction well' according to his manager, for all of one day, at the drug store. Dally had responded by putting up two middle fingers and walking out of the store, tipping over a shelf of magazines as he went. There was just something about being told what to do that made him want to do the exact opposite.

"Hey kiddos, you about ready to go?" Darry called. Pony had asked Darry to take him and Johnny to the bowling alley, and since Darry didn't have to work for once, he agreed. "Anyone else wanna go?"

All four older boys shook their heads. Usually Dally liked the bowling alley, there was lots of trouble to get into there, but tonight he didn't feel like being under the watchful eye of Darry Curtis

"Alright, but I'm telling all ya'll right now--don't let me catch you anywhere near that party," Darry said, eyeing all of them.

"How you gonna catch us if you ain't going?" Two-Bit said, throwing a shit eating grin at Darry.

"Boy, you're just asking to be grounded tonight, ain't you?" Darry responded, slapping the side of Two-Bit's leg in warning. Why the boys let Darry get away with smacking them like that, Dally would never know. He'd let Darry whip him before, but that was different. It was!

"No, no need for that," Two-Bit said, putting his hands up placatingly.

"Behave, all of you," Darry said, looking at the four boys in the living room.

"You too! Johnny, you're in charge. Make sure Darry behaves himself!" Soda ordered. Darry waved him off with a grin and ushered the boys out the front door.

"Screw Darry, man," Dallas said as soon as he heard the truck pull away, "Let's just go anyway. It's not like he's gonna know."

The funny part was that he hadn't been that dead set on going until the first time Darry had forbidden him, but now it was like his life depended on it.

"I dunno, Dal. Darry told us not to," Sodapop said, biting his lower lip.

"What Darry don't know won't hurt him. You in, Two-Bit? Steve?"

"Yeah, what the hell. We haven't gotten into any action lately." Two-Bit replied. Dally grinned. He'd gotten one.

"I got a date with Evie tonight," Steve said.

"Well, the kiddies are out, so that just leaves you, Sodapop."

"It's probably not such a good idea," Soda replied, chewing at his bottom lip. Dally knew that Soda not saying an outright 'no' meant that he could probably be persuaded.

"C'mon, we're not gonna get caught!" Dally argued, "And if even if we do, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Uh, I like my ass the color that it is, thank you very much," Soda laughed.

"Wow, never pegged you as such a chicken," Dally said, simply because he knew it would annoy Soda. He wasn't a chicken; they all knew it, but he couldn't help pressing that button.

"Alright, fine, why not?" Soda agreed and Two-Bit cheered. They all knew the answer to that. Darry's belt was why not, but Dally was confident they were smooth enough to not get caught.

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