Morally Ambiguous

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Steve was practically walking on air. He'd saved the day. The Curtises' furnace had crapped out on them and Darry had to get it repaired. Not repairing it wasn't really an option, but after the added cost, they didn't know how they were gonna pay the bills that month. Steve felt bad about it and wanted to help. He knew that Darry fed him, Two-Bit, Dally, and Johnny quite a lot and that had to add up. They never talked about it, but Steve sometimes slipped some of his tips into the envelope where Darry kept any cash they had and had a hunch that the other boys did too.

The first of the month was coming soon, and even if Steve gave Darry his whole paycheck from his part time job, it wouldn't be enough to cover it. So Steve had another idea. He'd swiped some jewelry from the department store and taken it to the local pawn shop. Steve figured he'd pay the Curtises' gas and electric bills and Darry should have enough to cover the mortgage. It solved everyone's problems. Steve was excited to be the hero for once. Not only had he paid the bills, but when he told Darry, Darry would get out of his funk and stop popping them for every little thing. It was really a win-win.

"What's got you grinning so much?" Darry asked when Steve sauntered into the house that day, excited to reveal his big news.

"Oh nothing, I just saved the day is all," Steve said. Darry raised an eyebrow at him. "I paid y'alls utility bills."

"Where'd you come up with that kind of money?" Darry asked suspiciously. Steve rolled his eyes at the question. God, why couldn't Darry just take the money and be happy?

"Swiped a couple pairs of earrings and a bracelet from the department store, then pawned them," Steve grinned, thinking Darry would be proud of his ingenuity.

"You what?!" Darry all but yelled.

"It's not like it's hurting anyone," Steve said, surprised at the sudden change of events, "We shoplift stuff all the time. You know that."

"Yeah, and I don't love that to begin with, but that's like packs of smokes and candy bars. Not fuckin' jewelry! Are you trying to get yourself locked up?"

"No, but what's done is done now. We might as well move on." Steve couldn't understand why Darry was making such a big deal out of this. It wasn't like when he and Soda got busted stealing hubcaps. He hadn't gotten caught this time and it was for a good cause!

"Move on?" Darry growled, "Oh no, you, young man, are getting your butt beat for this."

"For what, saving your bacon?!" Steve argued, his voice getting louder. How could Darry possibly be talking about whupping him for this?

"You better watch your tone, little boy," Darry warned, "Now, go get me the paddle and c'mere."

"No!" Steve argued, "I didn't do nothing wrong."

"You ain't gonna like it very much if I have to get it," Darry warned. Part of Steve wanted to shrink back at that, but he forced himself to stand his ground. He didn't deserve a whipping and he sure as hell wasn't gonna help Darry give him one. He debated just walking out the front door, like he'd seen Dally do before, but he knew Darry's rule was that you couldn't come back in till you took your punishment. He was pretty sure Darry wasn't gonna back down and he didn't particularly wanna know what the guy would do to him if he tried to bolt.

"Alright, stay here," Darry said after the two stared each other down for a minute. Steve knew he might be making a big mistake, but he was too indignant about the whole thing to care. It was a matter of pride! Only a few seconds later, he felt Darry grab his arm and the paddle crack down hard on the seat of his jeans. Damn that hurt! Darry kept going for two more good whacks, each one lifting Steve onto his toes. "You're staying here tonight. We're gonna have a conversation about doing what you're told before you go to bed."

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