Just Like the Rest

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When he saw the look on Darry's face, Dally knew he was in for it. He'd be lucky if Darry didn't beat him to a pulp. If Darry had one rule for his house, it was no guns, but Dally was never much into following rules. The whole thing was stupid, really. Dally had yawned and stretched, causing his shirt to ride up and Darry to see what he had tucked into his front waistband. He immediately knew he'd messed up and yanked his shirt down to try to hide the heater.

"Out," Darry ordered, pointing at the front door.

"Hey, easy man," Dally said, putting his hands up in front of him, "It ain't even loaded."

"Dallas, so help me God, if you're not out of that door in ten seconds, I'll beat your head in," Darry said. Dally went to protest, but before he could Darry grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and dragged him out the front door, slamming it behind him as he went. He practically threw Dallas off the porch and onto the lawn.

"If you wanna act like a hood, go do it somewhere else. You ain't coming back into my house anytime soon," Darry said, pointing toward the street.

"Aw, lay off it, man," Dallas complained, "You knew I was a hood from the moment you met me."

"You stay away from here, Dallas Winston, I mean it," Darry said, wagging his finger, "And stay away from the boys."

"For how long?" Making him stay out of the house was one thing, but keeping him away from his brothers? He knew they'd come see him anyway, but it would involve a great deal of sneaking around and risking trouble with Darry.

"Till I no longer feel like kicking your teeth in."

"That ain't fucking fair!" Dally exploded, "If I was Johnny or Two-Bit or Steve, you wouldn't be kicking me out. But I'm just a no good JD, huh? Some dirty hood without a chance?"

"If you was one of them, I'd take you to the garage and tan the skin off your behind," Darry said, "And you know what, Dallas? If I didn't think you'd pull a blade on me if I tried it, I'd tan you too."

"Like hell you will! Just 'cause the boys are dumb enough to bend over and let you whip them doesn't mean I am." Dally had seen Darry pop most of the other guys before, heard the smacks from the next room when Darry was delivering a beat down, but had yet to feel it himself. Not that he didn't fuck up. He probably got into more shit than all the other guys combined, but he didn't go running to Darry to solve his problems and let him take a belt to his ass for it. Maybe if he'd let Darry get involved, he would've spent less nights in jail and gotten less beatings from the Shepard gang and the Brumly boys, but there was no way in hell he was gonna do that. Man had to have his pride after all.

"If the boys don't like the way I'm running things, they can leave, same as you. They know that," Darry said calmly, which pissed Dally off even more, "But they trust me to do right by them. And if giving them a sore butt every now and then keeps them safe, you bet your ass I'm gonna do it."

"Oh go to hell, man," Dally said. Who did Darry think he was? Some kinda savior to all greasers, stopping them from becoming hoods? The rest of the gang might believe that but Dally sure as shit didn't.

"You know what, Dally, you're right. I shouldn't treat you any different than the rest. If you wanna come back inside, me and you gotta spend some time in the garage first. "

"Fuck you Darry! I don't need you and your goddamn house!" Dally yelled, clenching his hand into a fist.

"Don't even try it, little man," Darry warned, "I'll have you flat on your back in a second and you know it."

Damnit, Dally did know it. Darry was bigger and stronger and a better fighter. A part of him wanted to challenge Darry just so Darry could beat on him a little bit and he'd drop this whole whupping thing. Sure, it would hurt more, but he had to have his dignity. That's the way Shepard disciplined his men and the way all the other gangs he knew did it. Some good punches and maybe a few cracked ribs. That was a language Dally could understand. But at that moment, Dally was too pissed at the idea of being treated like some kid to let Darry have a shot at him.

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