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Curly took a long swig from the bottle before passing it to Ponyboy. He, Ponyboy, and Johnny were hanging in the lot, sharing the finest bottle of whiskey $3 could buy. He hadn't told the other boys that he was bringing a bottle when they made plans to meet up, but Ponyboy didn't seem too upset about it. Johnny kept checking over his shoulder, as if someone was gonna catch them there, but he still joined in with minimal persuasion. They hadn't been drinking for long. Curly was no lightweight and Ponyboy and Johnny had had about one shot between the two of them, so for the moment they were all stone cold sober.

"Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?" Darry roared and Curly almost fell off the rock he was sitting on. He hadn't seen the oldest Curtis approaching until he was right there, ripping the bottle from Ponyboy's hands. Darry poured the entire bottle straight out on the ground before pitching it into the woods.

"What the fuck, Curtis?" Curly cried in protest. It had taken some of Angela's best flirting to get that bottle.

"You better stuff it 'fore I forget you're Tim's kid brother," Darry said, sending such a glare that even Curly shrunk back. "Who's idea was this?"

They all stayed silent, not ratting Curly out. That was good. It meant Curly wasn't gonna have to dish out any beatings in the school parking lot tomorrow.

"Anyone gonna fess up or am I gonna have to persuade you?" Darry asked, rolling up his sleeves.

Again, radio silence.

"Well, okay," Darry said, grabbing Ponyboy by the arm and hauling him into standing position. As Darry lifted his arm, he glared at Curly in a way that made Curly sure he knew who it was. Damnit!

"Alright, man, it was me. I brought the fuckin' bottle!" Curly said, before Darry could smack Ponyboy, relieved when Darry dropped his arm and released Ponyboy. Both Johnny and Ponyboy looked at him like he'd grown a second head. Guess they weren't used to anyone being wise with Darry.

"That true?" Darry asked. Both Pony and Johnny hesitated but Curly nodded at them. The jig was up anyway.

"Yessir," Johnny and Ponyboy responded at nearly the same time.

"You both drink?" Darry asked, and Curly suddenly felt like he was interrupting a family moment. He didn't try to leave though. He knew Curtis would probably pound him into the earth if he tried.

Johnny and Ponyboy looked at each other before nodding. Darry seemed to study all three of them for a moment before grabbing Ponyboy again and smacking him twice on the ass. He pulled Johnny up by the arm and did the same to him. Curly couldn't help but snort. He knew Darry would call Tim and he'd be in for a belt licking, but at least he wasn't getting popped like a toddler for all to see.

"I wouldn't be laughin' if I were you. You and I both know damn well that Tim's gonna blister your backside when he hears about this."

"Fuck you, Curtis!" Curly cried, his temper getting the better of him. He immediately regretted his outburst when Darry turned to him looking ready to spit nails. The older man lifted Curly up like he weighed nothing and tucked him under his arm, holding him so his feet didn't reach the ground. Curly gasped when Darry's palm came down four times on his ass. Damn, Darry could hit harder than Tim!

"I'm gonna take Curly back to his place. You two head on home now," Darry ordered shifting Curly so he was under his arms like someone might carry textbooks at school. Not that Curly ever carried his books. Ponyboy and Johnny hesitated, still looking at the scene in front of them.

"Go on. I'll be there to beat your butts soon enough," Darry said sternly, "And tell Sodapop what happened if he's home." Johnny looked pale, like telling someone else was the last thing he wanted to do. Ponyboy grabbed his wrist and pulled him along. Darry didn't say another word to Curly, just marched them back to his truck, ignoring Curly's escape attempts. He practically threw Curly in the cab of the truck and slammed the door behind him.

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