Steve and Johnny

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It was a cold morning in Tulsa and Johnny didn't have his jacket. He'd made the mistake of tossing it on the couch the night before and now his old man was passed out on top of it. There was no way in heck that Johnny was gonna try to move him, so he set off to school in just his t-shirt. As he got to the school parking lot, he ran into Steve.

"Johnny Randle Cade, where is your jacket?" Steve asked and Johnny shrunk back a little. Johnny didn't have a middle name, so it was a joke in the gang to just add whatever middle name they wanted to address him. Mostly it was used for pretend scolding, like when Two-Bit told him 'You better mind your manners, Johnny Sodapop Cade,' in mock dismay after Johnny flipped him the bird. Today, though, Johnny wasn't so sure it was a joke.

"My old man was sleeping on top of it and I didn't want to wake him up," Johnny said, chewing on one of his fingernails. His parents were always screaming at him and he'd learned to tune it out, but somehow it killed him when any one of the gang was the least bit stern with him.

"You live four houses down from the Curtises. Why didn't you go borrow a sweatshirt from one of them? I mean Jesus, kid--" Steve lectured, only being cut off when the warning bell rung.

"We'll talk about this after school," Steve said, shrugging off his jean jacket and handing it to Johnny.

"Nah, I can't take your jacket, man," Johnny said, "You're gonna be cold."

"Evie's always stealing my sweatshirts. I'm willing to bet she's got one in her locker right now," Steve said. Johnny sighed and put the jacket on, rolling the too long sleeves up. He didn't really think all this fussing was necessary, but he didn't want to upset Steve further.

"Thanks, Steve."

"No problem, kid. It looks good on you," Steve replied, his tone softer than before, "Meet me here after school, okay? We'll go pick up your jacket and go to the Dingo or something."

"Yeah, okay,"

"Now, c'mon, we better haul ass. I got gym first period and I don't wanna start the day out by grabbing my ankles."

Johnny forced a laugh and followed Steve into the school before they parted ways for their first class. Throughout the day, Johnny tried to put the incident with Steve out of his mind but he just couldn't. 'We'll talk about this more school' echoed in his head all day long. Steve was only a year older than him, but was two years above in school, since Johnny had been held back. That put Ponyboy, who was a year ahead in school, and him both in ninth grade, so the gang always lumped them together as the little kids. Johnny didn't mind it. In fact, he kinda liked that he had five big brothers to watch out for him. The only problem with looking up to the older guys so much was that it really got to him when one of them scolded him.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that his history teacher, Mrs. Hansen, threatened to send him down to the vice principal's office if he didn't shape up. Mr. Wright swung a mean paddle and while Johnny didn't think he'd get it just for day dreaming, he didn't want to find out. He'd been there once after fighting with some Socs. They'd thrown the first punch, hitting Johnny in the side of the face, but that apparently didn't matter. Johnny left school that day with a sore jaw and a sore ass.

Johnny knew that his brothers, other than Ponyboy, who was pretty well behaved in school, and Dally, who'd never shown up to school as long as Johnny had known him, were well acquainted with Mr. Wright's paddle. Darry sometimes tried to pretend that he'd never misbehaved in school, but Two-Bit had some dirt to share. Apparently the golden boy had gotten a few paddlings in his day, mostly for getting into fights. The other boys were no better. Between skipping school, pulling practical jokes, and just not knowing when to shut up, Two-Bit practically lived in the vice principal's office. He'd once bragged that he was there so much that Mr. Wright had a special paddle just for him, but Johnny didn't believe it. Soda and Steve had been sent there a few times together for disrupting class, and since Soda had dropped out, Steve had been sent there once by himself for back-talking a teacher.

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