chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Piri Mall.

Siyeon walked in front, SuA slowly followed behind. Every few minutes Siyeon would turn her head to look at SuA, she wanted SuA to be on the same level as her so she wouldn't have to turn her head anymore, but she didn't know what to make of it.

Siyeon walked into each store one by one, she bought at least one item there whenever she stopped. When it was time to pay, she raised her voice to ask for assistant Kim.

- Can you lend me some money?

- Huh? – SuA is startled

- I forgot to bring my wallet, this shopping trip you pay for me, and then I will transfer money back to you in the evening - Siyeon said softly, then turned around to get things.

It's exactly that the director is asking for help, but she's just saying it as an announcement.

Kim SuA is dumbfounded, has only entered the company for less than a day, has not earned any money from this job, but now has to spend money on shopping for the director.

Siyeon took her things and walked ahead leaving SuA still reloading everything, the store clerk looked at SuA with expectant eyes. SuA had no choice but to take out her bank card and swipe it.

SuA noticed that the other director seemed to really like leopard. She bought 10 items, 8 of them are leopard-related. SuA glided from head to toe, examining Siyeon comprehensively. With this look, outstanding hair color, long red nails, tattoos, plus a passion for leopard skin, it can be concluded that this is a girl with a very strong personality, not a docile person.

And yes, she's the director, of course she has a strong personality….

After an hour of shopping, Siyeon brought a total of 15 different bags, SuA had to carry. When they would loaded up the car and settled into their seat, SuA opened her phone to check her credit card transactions. She was really spending a lot.

People who know how to save money, good at financial management like her, have never had a day that spends so much money.

Hearing SuA's sigh, Siyeon demanded, after fastening her seat belt.

- What's the problem, assistant Kim?

- No, everything is fine - SuA forced a peaceful smile.

The black car rolled, following Siyeon's instructions, after more than an hour, the car stopped in front of her villa.

- Ms. Kim, where is your house? – Siyeon was not in a hurry to get out of the car, stayed to talk.

- My house is in the city center, very far from this place.

- You look at my house, how do you feel? - Siyeon pointed towards the mansion.

- The house is very nice.

- Anything else?

- Hmm….spacious and luxurious.

- What else?

- Hmm….peaceful? – SuA grimaced, thinking that it was the end of work, she needed to go home to rest, but now sitting here talking with the director.

- What else?

- Hmmm…….

- Guess how many bedrooms there are.

- Probably….5 rooms?

- That number is approximate, which means that my house has a lot of spare rooms.

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