chapter 21

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Chapter 21.

SuA lies on a bench at the beach, enjoying the beautiful natural space in front of her.

She took the opportunity that her and Siyeon's old bedroom door was open, using it as an excuse to leave the mansion and hide away. Sure enough, after only 7 hours, Siyeon knew that she was in Yeosu, Siyeon came all the way here to find her and texted her.

But she wanted to tease her wife a bit to see how long Siyeon’s patience would last, she didn't even text Siyeon back, and stayed in the hotel room for a few days so Siyeon wouldn't find her. After a few days, SuA went out to see the sea, but she did not meet Siyeon right away.

On the next day, SuA went to the beach to see the scenery again but was found by Siyeon. Yeosu has a beach that is not too long, so if you just hang around here, it is easy to find each other, if you go completely inland, Yeosu city is wide and difficult to find.

Siyeon found SuA on the 4th day and she was surprised because her wife was very persistent. If according to Siyeon’s usual personality, she would have given up on the 2nd day.

In the past, Siyeon once because of an advertisement that was too long for 2 minutes on TV and told SuA to change the channel immediately, she would rather watch another movie than wait for the ad. SuA really never saw Siyeon being patient with anything, now she does.

SuA’s beloved wife finally shared everything in the past, apologizing, she explained that she revealed the past late because she was afraid SuA had a headache, the doctor advised not to dig too much past. Siyeon wouldn't have thought that it was just a meaningless threat, SuA didn't forget anything.

SuA’s brain is very good, she is also the type of person who remembers well.

SuA should have ended her crazy plan right away, but she wanted to play it again, telling Siyeon that she didn't trust Siyeon. She needed time to verify and trust.

And so the night in Yeosu ended with SuA lying with her back to Siyeon, and Siyeon only daring to lie an arm away from her, Siyeon’s index finger lightly touching her back and staying like that all night. SuA gloated, she felt Siyeon's painful struggle, she had never seen Siyeon having such a hard time sleeping because of her.

She was amused by that.

After that, she asked Siyeon to tell their past story, detailing how the two met, how they started dating, who approached who first, who confessed to whom first. Siyeon talked enthusiastically but hid Shinwon's identity.

Siyeon was so shy, still not daring to tell SuA the complete truth. In the past, too, she was dating SuA, but she didn't have the courage to talk about her relationship with Shinwon. Until SuA found out for herself, then Siyeon frantically explained.

"I'm sorry, I used to date Shinwon but it's not over, because I don't know what to do..."

“Do you still love Shinwon?”

"No, of course not, I haven't seen him since I went out with you"

"Holding a cell phone and texting to end with Shinwon immediately"

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