chapter 7

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Chapter 7.


The sound of the glass and the tabletop resounded in the silence of the space, SuA took a deep breath, her mind began to lose consciousness.

Chef Park came here to cook a simple meal, and she and Siyeon ate together in the back of the house next to the pool. Then Siyeon pulled out a 500ml bottle of expensive looking wine from the kitchen cupboard, and offered SuA a few drinks while sitting on the sofa.

SuA is quite a good drinker, but she is not very knowledgeable about wines or beers, because she only drinks around a few familiar ones such as soju, Hite beer, and Terra. Siyeon's orange-yellow wine bottle was the first time she saw today, she didn't think much of it, and drank it with Siyeon.

But she felt dizzy when she took the 5th glass….

She looked at Siyeon, Siyeon looked even more sober than SuA did, she found it absurd. Siyeon drank a beer and got drunk, why can't be drunk when drinking such heavy alcohol???

Siyeon looked at SuA and smiled, her plan was half successful. She knew that with this wine, the best drinker in the world would have to give up. This one called Rum Sunset has a concentration of up to 84%, if she sips it, she will faint immediately.

So when drinking with SuA, she used some tricks to hide SuA. SuA thought she was drinking with SuA, but she wasn't.

The glass that Siyeon is drinking is shaped like the one that SuA is holding, but the way it works is completely different. When Siyeon pours wine into her glass, it looks very normal from the outside, but actually the drop of wine is poured into the first hole in the glass, when she lifts it to drink, she will press a small button near the edge of the cup, after the button is pressed, the glass switches to the first hole closing mode, opening the second hole, in which is already the coffee that she has prepared, her favorite drink.

SuA keeps drinking, Siyeon drinks coffee, and as a result, Kim SuA now loses consciousness, her eyes can't open, and Siyeon is extremely calm.

It's evening, but Siyeon drinks coffee, she's not afraid of losing sleep tonight, because she's determined to stay up with Kim SuA all night.

Today, Siyeon purposely wore a black nightgown to meet SuA, then lured SuA into her house. Kim SuA is a deer who doesn't know anything, automatically comes here and automatically gets trapped. The preparation of the bottle of spirits and the special glass was already in Siyeon's plan a few days ago. The other glass was made by Gahyeon for her. Gahyeon is young but used to be a spy for the anti-crime organization of Seoul city, all tricks are in the palm of her hand.

Siyeon suddenly realizes how difficult it is to approach Kim SuA and bring SuA into a close relationship with her, she has to rely on a professional spy in the city like Gahyeon and a psychologist like Yoohyeon.

She did everything to squeeze her silhouette into SuA's heart. She knows that the Kim SuA of today is very similar to the Kim SuA of the past. SuA will be easily swayed by sexy and beautiful girls, she is not interested in men at all.

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