chapter 22

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Chapter 22.


SuA sat in the office to finish the outstanding work, it is currently 6pm and she still hasn't finished her work. The light coming in from the window changed from bright yellow to pink, and black was about to appear.

She texted Siyeon to inform Siyeon that she will be back a little late today, if Siyeon wants to eat dinner first, then eat, otherwise wait for her, she will buy something and then both eat.

But Siyeon doesn't reply to messages, maybe she's busy with something. Siyeon doesn't go to work today, she just hangs around at home. Lee Siyeon is like a kitten, just likes to lie down, lie on the bed, then lie on the sofa, then go to bed again, she lies very well, lying down without being tired or bored.

All of Siyeon's outdoor activities were forced by SuA to go. SuA fears that one day her wife will die from osteoarthritis, because Siyeon is too sedentary. Recently, Siyeon has been eating and drinking good again so she has returned to her old body, slim and attractive, in fact a little fat is more adorable, but SuA respects all of Siyeon's decisions, she has the right to adjust her body shape according to her preferences.

Then the fact that Siyeon is not replying to SuA's messages now makes SuA a bit worried, because she usually doesn't.

SuA tried to finish her work while glancing at her phone continuously waiting for Siyeon's message, she was not sure how her wife wanted to have dinner, eat alone or wait for her to come back to eat.

The clock struck 9 pm, SuA strained her eyes to read the last report, she was about to go home. The phone ting ting, SuA grabbed it immediately to see it, thought it was a message from Siyeon.....

But no, it was Yoohyeon who texted.

“Are you busy? Can I call you and talk to you?"

SuA thought, hesitated to answer Yoohyeon. She worried that what Yoohyeon was about to say might be a confession of love. Gahyeon revealed that Yoohyeon really likes SuA but because she's shy, she doesn't dare to say it. This invisibly makes SuA shy towards Yoohyeon, as she only sees Yoohyeon as a close little sister.

Thinking about it over and over, SuA had to pick up the phone and call Yoohyeon, she couldn't keep Yoohyeon waiting for long, that was impolite.


- I’m listening.

“Did Siyeon talk to you today?”

- No, I've been working since morning and haven't come home yet, I haven't seen her.

“She called me and told me that you lied to her, she asked for advice if she should give up on you”

- What? – SuA straightened up.


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