chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

Today is a day off, Siyeon suddenly couldn't sleep anymore so she got up to take a shower, SuA was still sleeping soundly in bed.

After Siyeon's sharing in Yeosu, SuA thought about it and agreed to return home with her, and their relationship returned to normal. Siyeon pulled out the old ring for her and SuA to wear, but SuA hesitated. Siyeon wants the two to return to the old bedroom to live in, living like a married couple like before, but SuA is also hesitant.

What SuA wants is that the relationship between the two should only stop at the level of lovers. She didn't want to go any further.

Kim Bora and Kim SuA differ in this point. Kim Bora can't wait to get married to Siyeon as quickly as possible, and Kim SuA seems to want to hide from past memories.

And Siyeon always had to tell herself that she needed to treat SuA like a mere lover, someone she just met this year, not someone from the past.

It made her sad and self-pitying a few times a day. SuA is always by her side, going to work with her, eating with her, wherever she goes, SuA goes, but she still hasn't felt fully happy.

She sympathizes with the fact that SuA will never be able to recall what SuA has forgotten, but her heart is still a bit selfish, still hoping that SuA's old feelings, SuA can get back , which Kim Bora has.

She longs to see Kim Bora's love again.

Kim Bora's love was intense and burning, not stable and peaceful like Kim SuA is now.

- Why you woke up so early?

Siyeon turned her head to see SuA leaning against the bathroom door. She was showering inside and the glass partition was made of glass, of course outsiders could see what she was doing.

- Come here - Siyeon opened her bathroom door, grabbed SuA's hand and pulled SuA closer, she slowly took off SuA’s blue pajamas, threw them in the basket and pulled SuA into the shower.

Siyeon applied shower gel to SuA and bathed SuA one by one. Every action she does, she subconsciously remembers the images of the old days, how SuA used to bathe her.

She felt bad about herself, she couldn't fully enjoy the moment with SuA because of the old sweet memories, and those memories were also SuA's image. She knows that she shouldn't be like that, she needs to focus on the present, with SuA creating beautiful memories of the present, like a newly dating couple.

She practiced all the time but couldn't do it.

Why was it so difficult for her to go back to where she started?

Because she herself wants to continue her marriage with SuA, not fall in love with SuA from the beginning again.

- How are you? – SuA's index finger lightly touches Siyeon's yin tang, where there are wrinkles.

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