chapter 23

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Chapter 23.

On a dreamy morning.

SuA woke up, her eyes blurred from rust, she quickly rubbed it because she saw something like a shadow in the door.

It was her wife standing there looking at her, but with an unfriendly look. SuA was excited to say hello to Siyeon, but she quickly turned her face away, closing the door with a bang.

SuA remained motionless for a few seconds. For a whole week, she couldn't even touch Siyeon's elbow. Siyeon rejected SuA from the moment she knew SuA's secret until now. The two sleep in two different rooms, Siyeon sleeps in their main room, and SuA sleeps in the next room. For the first few days, SuA slept in the next room, then at around 5am she would go to the sofa to sleep so that Siyeon thought she slept on the sofa all night, Siyeon would probably pity her more and forgive her easier.

But then Siyeon learns of this scam of hers, Siyeon wakes up even earlier than her to check where she is sleeping. Then SuA didn't try to get up early to go to the sofa to sleep anymore, she continued to sleep in the bedroom.

Because sleeping on the sofa, her wife won't have any mercy on her, now for Siyeon, she is a mist, Siyeon can't see her anymore, she can't be in Siyeon's sights anymore.

So SuA had to gnaw on the pain, trying to live through the day, waiting for Siyeon to forgive her completely.

SuA lazily lifted herself up and went to the toilet, she entered the dining room and saw her wife eating instant noodles.

- Darling, why are you eating so casually, that's lacking in nutrition, wait for me to cook more eggs and meat for you - SuA grimaced looking at Siyeon's bowl of instant noodles.

- No need, I have to go to class in 10 minutes - Siyeon doesn't even look at SuA, just does her own thing.

Siyeon usually teaches piano 4 days a week, 1 session for 3 hours a day. Since being angry with SuA, the amount of teaching suddenly more than doubled, a full day a week, teaching every day, some days teaching for 8 hours, some days teaching for 12 hours.

One day teaching piano on average earns 100,000 won, one month teaching is earning 3 million won, while every month SuA gives Siyeon 3 times that amount. SuA doesn't understand why her wife has to work so hard to earn money, Siyeon definitely wants to avoid her. If Siyeon works a lot, she will only see SuA a little in the morning, a little in the evening, not to mention the two are still sleeping in different rooms, the time together is not even 2 hours a day.

SuA has been working very hard these past few days so that she has a few days off, she will spend more time with her wife, and that time starts from today.

- Get in the car, I'll drive you to work - SuA parked her green car outside, waiting for Siyeon to come out.

- No need, you go to work - Siyeon was about to turn around but was grabbed by SuA, SuA opened the door and pushed her hard into the car.

Siyeon is clearly a bigger body, heavier body, but being pushed by SuA like that, she has no strength at all.

SuA put Siyeon in the car and went to the other side, got into her seat, and fastened Siyeon's seat belt.

- From today, I will take you to work, take you home, take you shopping if you want, take you to the cinema if you like a certain movie, take you for a walk around the city if you want to go out.

- I don't need anything, I just want to go to work and go home - Siyeon crossed her arms, softly said, still not looking at SuA.

- Yeah, then I'll take you to work, then wait for you to finish work, then take you home, and then the next day again and again - SuA pulled close to the distance between the two, Siyeon started tilting her head to dodge SuA

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