Chapter Three

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Liam and Knox dragged in their luggage, it was finally the two of them alone after the long day of screaming and chaos.

Liam walked to the fridge, checking it to find some well packed food and fruits already set in.

"Did you ask them to do this?" He asked as Knox walked closer.

"No, I just asked them to clean up, it's probably just Scarlett, maybe she worried about how you'd eat and all" Knox reasoned.

"Hmm, well it's good, it'll save us some days before we have to go shopping to get some things for the house, it's so empty" Liam said as he looked around the large space, already dreading the thought of having to go look around for things in a crowded space, Knox replying with a nod before dragging both their luggages in.

The night came quickly as Liam and Knox enjoyed the calm atmosphere for once, Liam retreating to his new room to resume some work on his laptop.

The next morning, they left the house and headed to the Headquarters where Liam's office was situated. While busy on his computer, Liam's phone kept ringing repeatedly, missed calls from his mother decorating the screen as he turned off the device with a sigh, he had a lot to do and no room for distractions.

Feeling fulfilled that he was able to complete a number of tasks and even seal a deal today, Liam and Knox headed out of the company, having a meeting to attend before darkness overtook the now grey sky.

Knox drove into a building, hurriedly stepping out to get the door for Liam before they walked in, two men in black suits waiting for them.

Liam approached them, with Knox behind him, formal smiles on all their lips as they now stood face to face.
"He's Mr Walker" One of the men in suits introduced Liam to the other.

"Mr Walker," he gestured to the other man, "Mr Steve Rodriguez"

Liam replied with a "Nice to meet you" before shaking hands with the other man, the four men finally walking in.

As they started the meeting, Liam could hear his now turned on phone still getting blown up, numerous vibration announcing incoming calls and continuos dings announcing new text message, all being a source of distraction seeing as he had forgotten to mute the device as usual.

"Sorry about that" He quickly mumbled an apology, checking the last message that read ; "Still not coming home? I sent you a picture, meet up with her tomorrow for lunch, Liam do not disappoint me this time" He let out a sigh at his mother's message, momentarily forgetting that he was in a meeting, drawing questioning looks from the clients.

"I'm sorry about that" He said before switching the phone off and trying to return his focus to the subject at hand.

Liam silently watched Knox in the kitchen the next morning, back turned to him as he rummaged the cupboard, fetching a box of cereal, a bowl containing milk already waiting at the counter as he went to pour the cereal in.

"You really never change, Huh?"
Liam's raspy voice distracted him, smile on his face as he walked into the kitchen space.

"What?" He inquired with a smile.

"It's cereal first" Liam said

"Nope, milk first" He responded, pouring the cereal into the bowl as Liam grimaces.

"That's literally so weird, man" Liam said.

"No it's not" He replied as he spooned his breakfast into his mouth, Liam shaking his head.

"We're free for today, so I guess we have to go shopping" Liam said with a sigh.

"Yeah we do, don't worry I'll be there with you" He said with a chuckle noting the other's hesitation.

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