Chapter Thirty-nine

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Amelia sighed, looking up at the ceiling with earphones in, the soft tunes filling her ears and almost lulling her to sleep until the device laying on her stomach vibrated, indicating an incoming text.

Her breath hitched for a second, but it occurred to her that she hadn't gotten a text from him in a while, so she was raising the screen to her face only for her heart to leap when she was met with a simple text from Liam.

- I miss you.

She didn't know when a tear dropped, dropping the phone onto the bed and curling into herself as that seemed to make her heart ache a bit more.

Of course she missed him too, so much that her brain often tricks her into believing she was seeing him in every corner of her room. She feared the rejection if he ever found out about her past, touched and used continuously, she'd probably have to watch his face twist into a look of disgust and she couldn't bare that. She wished she was as strong as Emily had said, and that she could fight against him, for herself, but how could she do that what even the sight of him made her feel like she was that helpless teenager again. It felt like the more she thought about it, the more it weighed her down, grabbing the phone and staring at the text, she dozed into a peaceful slumber.

Justin's car beep as he parked in front of the residence, one of his kids rushing out to welcome the man, which he hugged with a bright smile on his face.

He walked into the living room, his other kid waving from where he was sat using his phone and walked to his wife who had plates in her hand as she walked around the dinning table, planting a kiss on her cheek before going in to take a quick shower before joining his wife and kids who waited for him to join them on the table, the family immediately falling into a lighthearted conversation as they ate.

"We really appreciate your cooperation for so long, you've really been a great help in the course of our investigation and by tomorrow, this case would be wrapped up" one of the officers who had his hand on the cab driver's shoulder with a soft smile on his face said.

"Wow. So tomorrow really is the last day" he asked feeling relieved but at the time giddy.


"Cause it's been about a week of him just sitting still"

"Don't worry, he'll go inside by himself tomorrow" the officer nodded.

"Oh really, if I may ask, officers. What exactly is it that he's looking for in that house he always goes to" the driver was curious, seeing as the officers never disclosed any key information to him but it was clear as day that he wasn't a good man.

"I think it's better you don't know, buddy. Just be sure to inform us when he contacts you"

"I will, of course" although disappointed at their refusal to reveal, he was still nodding enthusiastically.

Standing in the spare room that was basically a shrine for Amelia, Justin kissed one of her younger pictures, letting out a sick groan, sniffing the piece of paper as memories of all the times he had violated her filled his head, the thought of how easily she teared up at their last meeting bringing him that twisted sense of superiority he believed he held over her.

"Nobody can keep you away from me, Amelia, you think surrounding yourself with those pests would keep me away but I'll show you, I will have you under me again, where you belong. I'll remind you how good I feel and that no one can replace me for you" he promised before breaking into maniacal laughter that would be heard by anyone in close proximity, which was unlikely as the house was as isolated as possible.


"Liam, I don't like the sound of this, I don't like it at all. The poor girl has already been traumatized, why subject her to the same situation again, it makes no sense?" Emma bit her fingers nervously as she watched Liam pace the living room.

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